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Corn On The Cob In The Oven In Foil

Summer is the perfect time for grilling, but sometimes, we just don't have the grill available or we want to try something different. One wonderful option is to make corn on the cob in the oven in foil. Not only is it easy and convenient, it's also a healthy option that you can enjoy anytime you want. Here's how to make delicious and healthy corn on the cob in the oven in foil.


• 4 ears of corn
• 4 tablespoons of butter
• Salt and pepper to taste
• Aluminum foil

Corn On The Cob In The Oven In Foil


1. Preheat your oven to 350°F.

2. Take each ear of corn and gently peel off the outer layers of the husk, leaving on only one or two layers. Then, remove the silk from the ear of corn, making sure to get it all out.

3. Place one tablespoon of butter on each ear of corn, spreading it evenly on all sides of the corn.

4. Season the ears of corn with salt and pepper to your liking. Be sure to sprinkle the seasonings evenly over the entire ear of corn.

5. Wrap each ear of corn tightly in aluminum foil, making sure to cover it completely. Make sure that there are no holes or gaps in the foil, as this will allow moisture to escape and the corn to dry out.

6. Place the wrapped ears of corn on a baking sheet and place it in the preheated oven.

7. Bake the corn for 30 to 35 minutes, or until the corn is tender and cooked all the way through.

8. Remove the corn from the oven and let it cool for a few minutes before carefully unwrapping the foil. Be careful, as the corn and the foil will be very hot.

9. Serve the corn hot with additional butter and salt and pepper, if desired.

Corn On The Cob In The Oven In Foil

Why Choose Oven-Baked Corn on the Cob

Baking corn on the cob is a great alternative to grilling. It's a convenient and easy way to cook corn on the cob, particularly when you don't have a grill available. Plus, it's a healthy option that you can enjoy anytime you want. Oven-baked corn on the cob is particularly good for those who are looking to cut down on their fat intake, as it doesn't require any oil or butter to cook the corn. Instead, the corn cooks in its own juices, which helps to keep it moist and tender.

Why Use Foil to Bake Corn on the Cob

Using foil to bake corn on the cob is an easy and convenient way to cook corn in the oven without any extra mess or cleanup. The foil helps to keep the moisture inside the corn, which ensures that it stays moist and tender. Additionally, the foil helps to keep the corn from burning, which can sometimes happen when cooking corn in the oven without any covering.


Corn on the cob is a delicious and healthy summer staple that you can enjoy anytime you want. By using foil to bake the corn in the oven, you can enjoy this wonderful treat even when you don't have a grill available. Just be sure to follow the instructions carefully, and you'll have delicious and healthy corn on the cob in no time.

Related video of How to Make Delicious and Healthy Corn on the Cob in the Oven in Foil