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Banana Leaf Tamales Vs Corn Husk Tamales

When it comes to authentic Mexican cuisine, tamales are one of the most beloved and traditional dishes. These tasty treats consist of a corn-based dough that is filled with a variety of ingredients, such as chicken, pork, or vegetables, and then steamed in a wrapper. In Mexico, tamales are wrapped in either banana leaves or corn husks, and each has its own unique flavor and texture. In this article, we will explore the differences between banana leaf tamales and corn husk tamales, and help you decide which one is right for you.

Banana Leaf Tamales

Banana Leaf Tamales

Banana leaf tamales are a popular variant of tamales that are typically found in the southern regions of Mexico. The use of banana leaves as a wrapper gives these tamales a distinct flavor and aroma that is different from the more common corn husk tamales. The leaves also impart a slightly sweet flavor to the tamales, which can complement the savory filling very well.

In addition to their unique flavor, banana leaf tamales also have some practical advantages over corn husk tamales. For example, banana leaves are more durable than corn husks, which means that they are less likely to tear or break during the cooking process. They also have a natural moisture content, which helps to keep the tamales moist and flavorful as they cook.

Corn Husk Tamales

Corn Husk Tamales

Corn husk tamales are the more common variant of tamales that are found throughout Mexico and the United States. The use of corn husks as a wrapper gives these tamales a familiar and comforting taste and texture that many people love. The husks are also readily available and easy to work with, which makes them the go-to choice for most home cooks.

One of the advantages of corn husk tamales is that they are more absorbent than banana leaf tamales, which makes them ideal for soaking up the flavors of the filling. They are also more pliable than banana leaves, which allows them to be wrapped tightly around the filling and steamed without tearing or breaking.

Which One Should You Choose?

Ultimately, the choice between banana leaf tamales and corn husk tamales comes down to personal preference. Both types of tamales have their own unique flavor and texture, and each can be delicious in its own right. If you prefer a sweeter and more aromatic tamale, then banana leaf tamales might be the way to go. On the other hand, if you prefer a more traditional and familiar flavor, then corn husk tamales are probably your best bet.

Whichever type of tamale you choose, be sure to enjoy it with your favorite salsa and a cold cerveza. After all, tamales are not just a dish, they are a celebration of Mexican culture and cuisine.


In conclusion, tamales are a delicious and versatile dish that can be made with a variety of fillings and wrappers. Whether you prefer banana leaf tamales or corn husk tamales, the most important thing is to savor every bite and appreciate the rich history and tradition behind this beloved Mexican specialty.

Related video of Banana Leaf Tamales Vs Corn Husk Tamales