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Roundup Ready Corn Seed For Food Plots

Corn Seed For Food Plots

Are you looking to grow corn for food plots? Then, you should know about the Roundup Ready corn seed. This seed is genetically modified to resist the popular herbicide Roundup, which makes it an excellent choice for food plots.

What is Roundup Ready Corn Seed?

Roundup Ready Corn Seed

Roundup Ready corn seed is a genetically modified seed that contains a bacterial gene that makes it resistant to the herbicide glyphosate, which is commonly known as Roundup. This seed was created by Monsanto, and it is now owned by Bayer.

The advantage of Roundup Ready corn seed is that it allows the use of Roundup to control weeds without damaging the corn crop. This makes it easier to maintain the corn plot and increases the yield of the crop.

How to Plant Roundup Ready Corn Seed

Planting Roundup Ready Corn Seed

The planting process for Roundup Ready corn seed is similar to that of conventional corn seed. However, it is essential to use the recommended rates of Roundup and other herbicides to avoid damaging the corn crop.

Before planting, you should prepare the soil by tilling or plowing the land. You can then apply the recommended amount of fertilizer and other soil amendments to optimize the growth of the crop.

After this, you can proceed to plant the Roundup Ready corn seed. You should plant the seed at a depth of 2-3 inches and keep the soil moist until the seedling emerges.

Benefits of Using Roundup Ready Corn Seed

Benefits Of Roundup Ready Corn Seed

The use of Roundup Ready corn seed has several advantages for food plot farmers. Here are some of them:

  • Controls Weeds - Roundup Ready corn seed allows the use of herbicides to control weeds without damaging the corn crop. This helps to keep the food plot clean and increases the yield of the crop.
  • Saves Time and Money - Using Roundup Ready corn seed saves time and money since it eliminates the need for manual weeding and reduces the use of other herbicides.
  • High Yield - Roundup Ready corn seed has a high yield potential, which means that you can harvest more corn per acre compared to conventional corn seed.
  • Consistent Quality - Roundup Ready corn seed produces a consistent quality of corn that is free from pests and other environmental stressors.

Risks Associated with Roundup Ready Corn Seed

Risks Of Roundup Ready Corn Seed

While Roundup Ready corn seed has many benefits, it also has some risks associated with its use. Here are some of the risks:

  • Environmental Risks - The use of Roundup Ready corn seed may have negative impacts on the environment since it contributes to the development of herbicide-resistant weeds and reduces biodiversity.
  • Health Risks - The use of Roundup herbicide has been linked to several health risks, including cancer, birth defects, and hormone disruption.
  • Economic Risks - The high cost of Roundup Ready corn seed may make it less accessible to small-scale food plot farmers, who may not be able to afford it.


Roundup Ready corn seed is an excellent choice for food plot farmers who want to optimize the growth of their corn crop. However, it is essential to weigh the benefits and risks associated with its use before making a decision.

By following the recommended planting and management practices, you can ensure that your Roundup Ready corn seed crop grows well and produces a high yield of quality corn.

Related video ofRoundup Ready Corn Seed For Food Plots