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Difference Between Masa Harina And Corn Flour

When it comes to Mexican cuisine, two ingredients that often appear in various dishes are masa harina and corn flour. However, despite their similar appearance and origin, they have distinct differences that can affect the taste, texture, and overall outcome of a recipe. In this article, we will explore the dissimilarities between masa harina and corn flour to help you determine which one to use for your cooking needs.

What Is Masa Harina?

Masa Harina

Masa harina is a type of flour made from dried corn kernels (also known as hominy) that have been soaked in an alkaline solution called nixtamalization, which helps to remove the outer hull and germ of the corn, making it easier to digest and increasing its nutritional value. The resulting mixture is then ground into a fine powder, hence masa harina.

Masa harina is a fundamental ingredient in many traditional Mexican dishes, such as tamales, tortillas, pupusas, and gorditas, due to its distinct flavor and texture. It has a slightly sweet, nutty taste with a grainy texture, making it ideal for savory dishes. Masa harina is gluten-free and has a higher protein content than regular flour, making it a healthier option for those with dietary restrictions.

What Is Corn Flour?

Corn Flour

Corn flour, on the other hand, is a type of flour made from a finer grind of cornmeal. It is made by grinding the entire kernel of corn into a fine powder, resulting in a smoother texture than masa harina. Corn flour is commonly used in baked goods, such as bread, muffins, and cakes, as well as coatings for fried foods, such as chicken or fish. It has a slightly sweet taste and a creamy, almost silky texture, making it ideal for desserts and pastries.

The Differences Between Masa Harina And Corn Flour

One of the significant differences between masa harina and corn flour is the process by which they are made. As mentioned earlier, masa harina undergoes nixtamalization before being ground into a fine powder. This process gives the flour its unique flavor and texture and makes it easier to digest.

Another difference between the two is their consistency. Masa harina has a coarser texture and a slightly grainy consistency, while corn flour is finer and smoother to the touch. This difference in texture can significantly impact the outcome of a recipe. For example, if you were to use masa harina in a cake recipe, it may result in a denser and less fluffy cake due to its coarser texture.

The taste of the two flours also differs. Masa harina has a sweeter, nuttier taste with a hint of corn flavor, while corn flour has a slightly sweet taste with a creamy texture. Depending on the dish you are making, one flour may complement the other. For example, if you were making a savory dish such as empanadas, masa harina would be the ideal flour to use. However, if you were making a dessert such as cornbread, corn flour would be the better option.


Masa harina and corn flour are two of the most popular flours used in Mexican cuisine. While they may look similar, they have significant differences in taste, texture, and consistency. When choosing which flour to use, it is essential to consider the recipe and the outcome you want to achieve. Masa harina is best suited for savory dishes such as tortillas and tamales, while corn flour is ideal for baked goods and fried food coatings. Understanding these differences will help you create authentic and flavorful Mexican dishes that will impress your family and friends.

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