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Cracked Corn Vs Whole Corn For Cattle

Cracked Corn Vs Whole Corn For Cattle

If you own cattle, you know how important their diet is to their health and well-being. One question that often arises is whether to feed them cracked corn or whole corn. While both are good options, there are some differences between the two. In this article, we'll take a closer look at cracked corn vs whole corn for cattle and help you decide which is better suited for your animals' needs.

What is Cracked Corn?

What Is Cracked Corn

Cracked corn is simply whole corn that has been processed into smaller pieces. It's created by using a machine to crack open the kernel, which results in small, manageable pieces of corn that can be easily eaten by cattle. It's important to note that cracked corn is not the same as ground corn, which is more finely processed and has a different texture.

What is Whole Corn?

What Is Whole Corn

Whole corn is, as the name suggests, the entire corn kernel. It has not been processed or broken down in any way. While it may be harder for cattle to eat whole corn, it does offer some advantages.

Nutritional Value of Cracked Corn vs Whole Corn

Nutritional Value Of Cracked Corn Vs Whole Corn

When it comes to the nutritional value of cracked corn vs whole corn, there are some differences. Cracked corn is more easily digested by cattle than whole corn, which means it's more readily available for their bodies to absorb and use. However, whole corn contains more fiber than cracked corn, which is important for maintaining digestive health in cattle.

Digestibility of Cracked Corn vs Whole Corn

Digestibility Of Cracked Corn Vs Whole Corn

As mentioned above, cracked corn is more easily digested by cattle than whole corn. It's been processed in a way that makes it easier for cattle to break down and absorb the nutrients. However, this doesn't mean that whole corn isn't digestible. In fact, when eaten slowly and properly chewed, whole corn is just as digestible as cracked corn.

Feeding Recommendations

Feeding Recommendations

So, which is better for your cattle: cracked corn or whole corn? The answer depends on your specific situation. If you're looking for a feed that's more easily digested and provides readily available nutrients, cracked corn may be the better choice. However, if you're looking for a feed that's high in fiber and promotes digestive health, whole corn may be the way to go.It's also important to consider the age and stage of your cattle. Younger animals may have a harder time chewing and digesting whole corn, while older animals may have no problem with it.

In Conclusion


In conclusion, both cracked corn and whole corn can be good options for feeding your cattle. It's important to consider the nutritional value and digestibility of each, as well as the age and stage of your animals. With careful consideration and a bit of experimentation, you can find the feed that works best for your cattle's needs.

Related video of Cracked Corn Vs Whole Corn For Cattle: Which is Better?