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Best Time To Plant Corn In Texas

Corn Fields In Texas

If you are a farmer or gardener in Texas, you may want to know the best time to plant corn in order to get the best yield. Corn is a warm-season crop that requires the right amount of heat and moisture to grow properly. In this article, we will discuss the ideal time to plant corn in Texas, as well as some tips on how to prepare your soil and choose the right variety of corn for your area.

Choosing the right variety of corn for Texas

Corn Varieties In Texas

When it comes to growing corn in Texas, it's important to choose the right variety for your area. Some varieties are better suited to the hot and dry conditions of the west Texas plains, while others thrive in the more humid climate of the eastern part of the state. Here are a few popular varieties of corn that are suitable for Texas:

  • Yellow Dent Corn: This is a popular variety of corn that is well-suited to the hot and dry conditions of west Texas. It is a tall variety that can produce up to 10 ears per stalk.
  • Sweet Corn: This variety is best suited to the more humid climate of eastern Texas. It is a shorter plant that produces smaller ears of corn, but the kernels are sweeter and more tender than traditional field corn.
  • Flint Corn: This is a hardy variety of corn that is well-suited to the cooler temperatures of north Texas. It is a shorter plant that produces small ears of multicolored kernels that can be used for decoration or popping.

Before you choose a variety of corn to plant in Texas, be sure to do some research on the growing conditions in your area and talk to other farmers or gardeners who have experience growing corn.

Preparing your soil for planting corn in Texas

Preparing Soil For Corn In Texas

Once you have chosen the right variety of corn for your area, it's important to prepare your soil properly. Corn requires nutrient-rich soil with good drainage in order to grow properly. Here are some tips on how to prepare your soil for planting corn in Texas:

  • Till your soil: Before planting, till your soil to a depth of 6-8 inches to loosen it and remove any weeds or debris.
  • Add compost or fertilizer: Corn requires a lot of nutrients to grow properly, so be sure to add compost or fertilizer to your soil before planting.
  • Test your soil: It's a good idea to test your soil before planting to determine its pH and nutrient levels. This will help you determine how much fertilizer to add.
  • Water your soil: Corn requires consistent moisture in order to grow properly, so be sure to water your soil regularly before planting.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your soil is prepared properly for planting corn in Texas.

The ideal time to plant corn in Texas

Planting Corn In Texas

The ideal time to plant corn in Texas depends on a variety of factors, including your location, the variety of corn you are planting, and the weather conditions in your area. In general, corn should be planted in Texas between late February and early June, depending on your location. Here are some guidelines for planting corn in Texas:

  • South Texas: If you are located in south Texas, you can start planting corn as early as late February or early March.
  • Central Texas: If you are located in central Texas, you can start planting corn in mid-March to early April.
  • North Texas: If you are located in north Texas, you should wait until mid-April to early May to plant corn.

It's important to note that these are just general guidelines, and the ideal planting time for your area may vary depending on the weather conditions in your area. Be sure to monitor the weather forecast and consult with other farmers or gardeners in your area to determine the best time to plant corn.


Planting corn in Texas can be a rewarding experience if you choose the right variety of corn for your area and prepare your soil properly. By following the guidelines outlined in this article, you can ensure that your corn will grow strong and healthy and produce a bountiful harvest. Remember to choose a variety of corn that is well-suited to your growing conditions, prepare your soil properly, and plant at the right time for your area.

Related video of The Best Time To Plant Corn In Texas