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Big Green Egg Corn On The Cob With Husk

Grilled Corn On The Cob With Husk

Summer is the perfect time for grilling, and there's nothing quite like grilling corn on the cob. But have you ever tried grilling corn on the cob with the husk on? If not, you're in for a treat! This simple technique allows the corn to steam and grill at the same time, resulting in perfectly cooked corn that's bursting with flavor. In this article, we'll show you how to grill corn on the cob with the husk using a Big Green Egg, a popular kamado-style grill that's ideal for getting that smoky flavor.

Choosing The Right Corn

Choosing The Right Corn

The first step in grilling corn on the cob with the husk is choosing the right corn. Look for corn that's still in the husk, and make sure the husk is green and tightly wrapped around the corn. Avoid any husks that are brown or dry, as this indicates that the corn is old and may not be fresh. If you're not sure which corn to choose, ask your local farmer or produce supplier for advice.

Preparing The Corn

Preparing The Corn

Once you've chosen your corn, it's time to prepare it for grilling. Start by peeling back the outer layers of the husk, but leave them attached to the bottom of the cob. This will create a pocket for the steam to build up and cook the corn. Remove as much silk as you can, but don't worry about getting it all. The silk will become charred during grilling and will be easy to remove later. Once you've removed as much silk as possible, pull the husks back up over the corn, making sure it's tightly wrapped.

Grilling The Corn

Grilling Corn On The Cob With Husk

Now it's time to fire up your Big Green Egg and get grilling! Preheat your grill to 400°F. Once it's up to temperature, place your corn on the cob, still in the husk, on the grill grates. Cook for 20-25 minutes, turning every 5 minutes or so, until the husks are charred and the corn is tender. You can check for doneness by carefully peeling back a small section of husk and poking the kernels with a fork. If they're tender, the corn is ready to eat.

Serving The Corn

Grilled Corn On The Cob With Butter

Once the corn is done, remove it from the grill and let it cool for a few minutes. Carefully remove the husks and silk, using a clean kitchen towel or paper towel to grip the hot corn. Once the corn is husked, you can serve it as is, or dress it up with your favorite toppings. Some popular options include butter, salt, pepper, and fresh herbs, or you can try more adventurous toppings like crumbled feta cheese, chili powder, or lime juice. Whatever you choose, your grilled corn on the cob with the husk is sure to be a hit!


Grilling corn on the cob with the husk is a simple technique that yields delicious, perfectly cooked corn every time. With the help of your Big Green Egg, you can enjoy smoky, flavorful corn that's the perfect accompaniment to any summer meal. So next time you fire up your grill, give this technique a try and discover the joys of grilled corn on the cob with the husk!

Related video of Big Green Egg Corn On The Cob With Husk: A Perfectly Grilled Delight