Best Way To Cook Sweet Corn In The Microwave
Sweet corn is a staple side dish in many American households, especially during the summer season. It's a versatile ingredient that can be boiled, grilled, or roasted. However, not everyone has access to a grill, and boiling sweet corn can be time-consuming. The good news is that you can cook sweet corn in the microwave, and it's easy and quick. In this article, we’ll show you the best way to cook sweet corn in the microwave.
Choosing The Right Corn
Before we get started, it’s important to note that choosing the right corn is crucial. Look for fresh sweet corn that has bright green husks, plump kernels, and no brown spots. Try to buy the corn on the same day you plan to cook it. If you aren't eating the corn immediately, store it in the refrigerator until you're ready to cook it.
Husk And Clean The Corn
To cook sweet corn in the microwave, you will need to husk and clean the corn first. Start by removing the outer husks and silk. Rinse the corn under cold water to remove any remaining silk. Dry the corn with a paper towel.
Wrap The Corn In A Damp Paper Towel
To cook the sweet corn, wrap each ear in a damp paper towel. This will keep the corn moist while it cooks in the microwave. Make sure the paper towel is damp, but not dripping wet.
Microwave The Corn
Place the wrapped corn in the microwave and cook on high for 3-5 minutes per ear. The exact cooking time will depend on your microwave's wattage and the size of the corn. Start with three minutes and add additional time as needed. When the corn is done, be careful when removing it from the microwave as it will be hot.
Let The Corn Cool
After cooking, let the corn cool for a few minutes before removing the paper towel and serving. Sweet corn is best served immediately, so make sure you have your butter and salt ready.
Clean Up
Once you are done enjoying your sweet corn, it’s important to clean up properly. Dispose of the husks and the paper towels in the garbage. Rinse any leftover corn kernels down the sink with running water. Clean any dishes and utensils you used.
Cooking sweet corn in the microwave is easy and quick. It’s a great way to enjoy this summer staple without spending too much time in the kitchen. Follow the steps outlined in this article, and you will have delicious and perfectly cooked corn in no time. So, ditch the boiling pot and give your microwave a try!