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Substitute For Corn Syrup In Pecan Pie

Pecan pie is a quintessential dessert during the holidays or any occasion. But, its use of corn syrup has raised some concerns among health-conscious individuals. Corn syrup is processed and high in fructose, which can lead to health problems like obesity, type 2 diabetes, and heart disease. If you wish to enjoy pecan pie without corn syrup, there are several substitutes you can use that are healthier and equally delicious. In this article, we will discuss the different substitutes you can use to create a pecan pie without corn syrup.

What is Corn Syrup?

What Is Corn Syrup?

Corn syrup is a commercially produced syrup derived from corn starch. Cornstarch is transformed into glucose by treating it with acids and/or enzymes. Corn syrup contains glucose and fructose, which are simple sugars that our bodies break down and use for energy. It is commonly used as a sweetener in processed foods and beverages because it is cheaper than sugar.

Why Should You Avoid Corn Syrup?

Why Should You Avoid Corn Syrup?

Corn syrup has gained a bad reputation over the years due to its high fructose content. High fructose intake has been linked to many health problems such as obesity, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and liver disease. It also has a high glycemic index, which can cause blood sugar levels to spike and then crash, leading to hunger pangs and cravings.

Substitutes For Corn Syrup In Pecan Pie

Substitutes For Corn Syrup In Pecan Pie

Now that we know why corn syrup should be avoided, let's look at some of the substitutes that can be used in pecan pie recipes:

1. Honey


Honey is a natural sweetener that has a lower glycemic index than corn syrup. It contains antioxidants and has antimicrobial properties that help boost the immune system. Use the same amount of honey as the recipe requires for corn syrup, but decrease the amount of sugar used as honey is sweeter than corn syrup. You may need to add an extra egg to help bind the ingredients together as honey is thinner than corn syrup.

2. Maple Syrup

Maple Syrup

Maple syrup is a natural sweetener that is rich in antioxidants and has anti-inflammatory properties. It has a lower glycemic index than corn syrup and adds a rich, complex flavor to pecan pie. Use the same amount of maple syrup as the recipe requires for corn syrup, but decrease the amount of sugar used as maple syrup is sweeter than corn syrup.

3. Brown Rice Syrup

Brown Rice Syrup

Brown rice syrup is a healthy alternative to corn syrup as it is made from brown rice that has been cooked with enzymes to break down the starches into simple sugars. It has a low glycemic index and adds a mild, nutty flavor to pecan pie. Use the same amount of brown rice syrup as the recipe requires for corn syrup.

4. Agave Nectar

Agave Nectar

Agave nectar is a natural sweetener that is derived from the agave plant. It has a low glycemic index and is sweeter than corn syrup, so use less agave nectar than the recipe requires for corn syrup. Agave nectar also adds a mild, honey-like flavor to pecan pie.

5. Date Syrup

Date Syrup

Date syrup is a natural sweetener that is made from dates. It has a low glycemic index and is rich in fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Use the same amount of date syrup as the recipe requires for corn syrup.


There are various substitutes you can use instead of corn syrup in pecan pie recipes. Honey, maple syrup, brown rice syrup, agave nectar, and date syrup are healthier options that add unique flavors to the pie. Using these substitutes will not only make the pecan pie healthier but also more delicious. So, go ahead and try these substitutes in your next pecan pie recipe!

Related video of Substitute For Corn Syrup In Pecan Pie: A Comprehensive Guide