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Easy Way To Remove Husk From Corn

Are you tired of struggling to remove the husk from your corn on the cob? Don't worry - there's an easy way to do it! In this article, we'll show you how to remove husk from corn quickly and easily, without any hassle. You'll be able to enjoy your corn without any pesky bits getting in the way. So, let's get started!

Why Remove Husk From Corn?

The husk on corn is the fibrous outer layer that covers the kernels. It can be tough and hard to chew, and can also get stuck in your teeth. Removing the husk from corn makes it easier to eat and enjoy. It also makes it easier to cook, as the husk can sometimes trap moisture and affect the cooking process.

Husk On Corn

The Traditional Way To Remove Husk From Corn

Traditionally, removing the husk from corn involves peeling it off by hand. This can be time-consuming and messy, and it can also be difficult to remove all of the husk without leaving any behind. However, if you prefer to do it this way, here’s how:

  1. Take the corn and remove any loose leaves.
  2. Peel back the first layer of leaves from the top of the ear.
  3. Remove the silk (the fine strands that run the length of the cob).
  4. Peel back the remaining leaves, one by one, until all of the husk is removed.

The Easy Way To Remove Husk From Corn

If you're looking for a quicker, easier way to remove the husk from corn, we recommend using the microwave method. Here's how:

  1. Take the corn and remove any loose leaves.
  2. Cut off the stem end of the ear (about 1 inch).
  3. Place the corn, with the husk still on, in the microwave.
  4. Microwave the corn for 3-5 minutes (depending on the wattage of your microwave).
  5. Remove the corn from the microwave (be careful, it will be hot).
  6. Using a towel or oven mitt, hold the corn by the uncut end and shake it gently. The husk should slide off easily.
Corn In Microwave

Tips For Removing Husk From Corn

Here are some additional tips for removing husk from corn:

  • Make sure the corn is fresh. Older corn can be tough and harder to remove the husk from.
  • If the husk is particularly stubborn, try soaking the corn in water for a few minutes before microwaving it.
  • Be careful when removing the husk, as the corn will be hot after microwaving it.
  • If you prefer a charred flavor on your corn, you can place it on a grill after removing the husk.


Removing the husk from corn doesn't have to be a difficult or messy process. With the microwave method, you can quickly and easily remove the husk without any fuss. So, next time you're enjoying some fresh corn on the cob, give this method a try!

Related video of Easy Way To Remove Husk From Corn