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Bacon Wrapped Grilled Corn On The Cob

Summer is the perfect season to hang out with family and friends and have some mouth-watering dishes. One such dish is bacon-wrapped grilled corn on the cob. It is a unique and flavor-packed dish that will leave you and your guests wanting more. This article explores the deliciousness of this recipe, the history behind it, and the benefits of eating corn.

The History of Corn on the Cob

Corn On The Cob History

Corn on the cob is a traditional dish that originated in North America. Native Americans were the first to cultivate corn, and they roasted it on an open fire. The colonists later adopted this method of cooking corn and made it a popular dish throughout the United States. Today, corn on the cob is an essential part of American cuisine, and there are endless ways to cook and serve it.

The Benefits of Eating Corn

Benefits Of Eating Corn

Corn is a fantastic source of nutrients and vitamins. It is rich in fiber, which helps regulate digestion and prevent constipation. It's also packed with antioxidants that promote good vision and reduce the risk of chronic diseases. Additionally, corn contains high levels of complex carbohydrates that provide energy and help keep you full for longer. So, apart from being delicious, corn is an excellent addition to a healthy diet.

How to Make Bacon Wrapped Grilled Corn on the Cob

Bacon Wrapped Grilled Corn On The Cob

Now let's get to the recipe. Follow these simple steps to make bacon-wrapped grilled corn on the cob:


  • 8 ears of corn, husks removed
  • 8-16 bacon strips, depending on your preference
  • 4 tablespoons butter
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Fresh herbs (optional)


  1. Preheat your grill to high heat.
  2. Wrap each ear of corn with 1-2 slices of bacon, and secure the ends with toothpicks
  3. Brush each ear of corn with melted butter and sprinkle with salt and pepper to taste.
  4. Grill the corn for 15-20 minutes or until the bacon is crispy and the corn is tender, turning occasionally.
  5. Remove the toothpicks and serve the corn on the cob, sprinkled with fresh herbs if desired.


Grilled Corn On The Cob

Bacon-wrapped grilled corn on the cob is a delicious and unique dish that is perfect for summer gatherings. It's easy to make and can be customized to your liking by adding different herbs and spices. Corn on the cob is not only tasty, but it's also nutritious and provides a wide range of health benefits. So, fire up your grill and give this recipe a try – you won't regret it!

Related video of Bacon Wrapped Grilled Corn On The Cob: A Perfect Summer Delight