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Difference Between Potato Starch And Corn Starch

When it comes to cooking and baking, we often come across ingredients that we confuse with one another, and potato starch and corn starch are no exception. Both of these starch types have their uses and are often used as thickeners in various recipes. Although they may seem interchangeable at first glance, there are some significant differences between the two that you need to be aware of if you want to get the best results in the kitchen.

What is Potato Starch?

As the name implies, potato starch is extracted from potatoes. It is a fine white powder that is made by crushing the potatoes to release their starch, then removing the fibers, proteins, and juices through a process of washing and filtering. Potato starch is a gluten-free product, which makes it a popular choice for people with gluten allergies or intolerance. It is also a great option for anyone looking for an alternative to wheat flour.


What is Corn Starch?

Corn starch is made from corn kernels. It is produced by soaking the kernels in water, then grinding them to release the starch. The starch is then washed, dried, and finely ground to create the powder we know as corn starch. One significant characteristic of corn starch is that when added to a liquid and heated, it thickens quickly and becomes translucent. Also, corn starch is a gluten-free product, which makes it a popular ingredient in gluten-free recipes.

Corn Wheat

Differences Between Potato Starch and Corn Starch

Now that we've looked at the basics of how potato starch and corn starch are made, let's dive into the differences between the two.

Taste and Texture

One significant difference between potato starch and corn starch is their taste and texture. Potato starch has a neutral taste and a slightly grainy texture, while corn starch has a slightly sweet taste and a smoother texture. When using potato starch as a thickener, you can expect a slightly grainy texture in your dish. In contrast, dishes made with corn starch will have a smoother texture.

Thickening Properties

Both potato starch and corn starch are excellent thickeners. However, the way they thicken is slightly different. Corn starch thickens quickly and becomes translucent when added to a liquid and heated. Potato starch, on the other hand, requires slightly more time to thicken, and it will not become as clear as corn starch when cooked.

Usage and Substitutions

Corn starch is the more widely used of the two starches, given its smoother texture and ability to blend better with liquids. It is often used in baking, sauces, soups, and gravies. Potato starch, on the other hand, is not as widely used, but it is a better option for thickening acidic liquids or anything that will be frozen and reheated as it can withstand these environments better than corn starch. When substituting one for the other, keep in mind that potato starch has more thickening power than corn starch, meaning you will need to use less of it in your recipe.


While potato starch and corn starch may seem interchangeable, they do have their differences. Understanding these differences and knowing when to use each one will allow you to get the best results in your cooking and baking. Always read the recipe carefully and follow the instructions to get the desired outcome.

Related video of The Difference Between Potato Starch and Corn Starch