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Difference Between Male And Female Corn Snakes

Corn snakes are widely kept as pets because of their docile nature and ease of care. They are non-venomous and come in a variety of morphs or colors. Identifying the sex of your pet corn snake is important for breeding and for proper care. In this article, we will discuss the difference between male and female corn snakes.

Body Size and Shape

Male And Female Corn Snake Size And Shape

Males and females have similar body shapes, but males are generally longer and thinner than females. A mature male corn snake can grow up to 5 feet in length, while a mature female is usually around 3 to 4 feet long. Female corn snakes have a more robust body shape because they carry eggs during the breeding season.

Head Shape and Size

Male And Female Corn Snake Head Shape And Size

The head shape and size of male and female corn snakes are also different. Male corn snakes have a larger head and a more angular jawline than females. Females, on the other hand, have a smaller head and a more rounded jawline. The male's larger head and stronger jawline are adaptations for mating, as they need to hold onto the female during copulation.

Color and Pattern

Male And Female Corn Snake Color And Pattern

Corn snakes come in a variety of colors and patterns, depending on the morph. In most cases, the color and pattern of a corn snake are not reliable indicators of their sex. However, some morphs have distinguishing features that may help in sexing the snake. For example, the motley morph has a larger dorsal scale pattern in males than females.


Corn Snake Hemipenes

The most reliable way to sex your corn snake is by looking for the presence of hemipenes, which are male reproductive organs. Males have two hemipenes, which are located near the base of the tail. These organs are usually visible as two bulges on either side of the tail, especially in adult males. Females, on the other hand, do not have hemipenes.


Corn Snake Behavior

Male and female corn snakes have similar temperaments and behavior. They are usually docile and easy to handle, and they do not require a lot of attention. However, during the breeding season, males may become more aggressive and may try to escape their enclosure in search of a mate.


Corn Snake Care

The care requirements for male and female corn snakes are the same. They require a suitable enclosure with proper heating and lighting, a diet of mice or rats, and a clean water source. Female corn snakes may require additional care during the breeding season, such as a nesting box and a suitable substrate for laying eggs.


In conclusion, identifying the sex of your corn snake is important for breeding and proper care. While body size and shape, head shape and size, color and pattern, and behavior may provide some clues, the most reliable way to sex your corn snake is by looking for the presence of hemipenes in males. Whether you have a male or female corn snake, providing them with proper care and attention will ensure a happy and healthy pet.

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