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My Dogs Feet Smell Like Corn Chips

Dog With Smelly Feet

Have you ever been playing with your furry friend only to notice a distinct odor emanating from their paws? It’s a common occurrence for many dog owners, and the smell is often likened to that of corn chips or popcorn. While it may not be the most pleasant scent, it’s actually a sign that your pup is healthy and strong. In this article, we’ll delve deeper into the reasons why your dog’s feet smell like corn chips and what you can do to keep them smelling fresh and clean.

What Causes the Smell?

Dog Paws Smelling Like Corn Chips

The main reason why your dog’s feet smell like corn chips is due to the presence of microbes and bacteria. In particular, there are two types of bacteria that like to hang out on your pup’s paws: Proteus and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. These bacteria are completely harmless to your dog, but they are known for producing a distinct odor that smells like corn chips or popcorn.

The reason why these bacteria thrive on your dog’s paws is because they require a warm, moist environment to grow. The paws provide the perfect environment for them to flourish, especially if your dog likes to run around in damp areas or walk on wet grass. Additionally, dogs sweat through their paws, which provides an extra source of moisture for these bacteria to feed on.

How to Keep Your Dog’s Feet Smelling Fresh

Dog Feet Cleaning

While the smell of corn chips on your dog’s feet is completely normal and harmless, it’s understandable if you want to keep them smelling fresh and clean. Here are some tips to help you do just that:

Regularly clean your dog’s paws

Dog Feet Cleaning

Cleaning your dog’s paws regularly can help prevent the buildup of bacteria and microbes that cause the corn chip smell. Use a gentle soap or dog shampoo and warm water to clean their paws, making sure to dry them thoroughly afterwards. Pay special attention to the spaces between their toes and pads, as this is where bacteria tend to accumulate the most.

Make sure your dog’s paws are dry

Dry Dog Feet

As mentioned earlier, bacteria thrive in warm, moist environments. To prevent bacteria from growing on your dog’s paws, make sure to dry them thoroughly after they have been in contact with water. Use a clean towel or a hairdryer on a low setting to dry their paws completely, paying extra attention to the spaces between their toes and pads.

Change their bedding regularly

Dog Bedding

The bacteria that cause the corn chip smell can also accumulate in your dog’s bedding, especially if it’s not changed regularly. Make sure to wash your dog’s bedding at least once a week to prevent the buildup of bacteria and other microbes. Use a gentle detergent and high heat to kill any bacteria that may be lurking in the fabric.

Give them regular baths

Dog Bath

Regular baths can help get rid of any bacteria and microbes that may be living on your dog’s skin and paws. Use a gentle dog shampoo and warm water to give your furry friend a bath, making sure to rinse them thoroughly afterwards. Avoid giving them baths too frequently, as this can strip their skin of natural oils and cause irritation.


While the smell of corn chips on your dog’s paws may not be the most pleasant, it’s actually a sign that they are healthy and strong. The bacteria that cause the smell are completely harmless to your furry friend and are simply a byproduct of their natural bodily functions. However, if you want to keep your dog’s feet smelling fresh and clean, there are several things you can do, such as regularly cleaning their paws, making sure they’re dry, changing their bedding, and giving them regular baths. With a little bit of effort, you can keep your furry friend smelling sweet and clean!

Related video of Why do my Dog's Feet Smell Like Corn Chips?