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Best Way To Put Out Corn For Deer

Best Way To Put Out Corn For Deer

Deer hunting is a popular pastime in the United States, and for many hunters, attracting deer to their hunting grounds is an essential aspect of the hunt. One of the most common ways to do that is by leaving out corn for the deer. However, there is a right and wrong way to put out corn for deer, and in this article, we will explore the best way to do so.

Why Put Out Corn for Deer?

Why Put Out Corn For Deer?

Attracting deer to your hunting ground is essential, and one of the best ways to do that is by leaving out corn. Corn is a popular food source for deer, and it is also relatively cheap and easy to obtain. By putting out corn for deer, you can provide a food source that will help attract them to your hunting ground and increase your chances of a successful hunt.

There are a few key things to keep in mind when putting out corn for deer to ensure that you are doing it safely and effectively.

Where to Put Corn for Deer?

Where To Put Corn For Deer?

The first thing to consider when putting out corn for deer is where to put it. You want to make sure that the corn is in an area where deer are likely to be. Ideally, you want to put the corn in an area that is close to cover, water, and other food sources. This will increase the chances that deer will find the corn and start feeding on it.

One popular option is to place the corn near a game camera. This will allow you to monitor the area and see when deer are coming to feed. It is also a good idea to spread the corn out over a large area to ensure that all the deer in the area have access to it.

How Much Corn to Put Out for Deer?

How Much Corn To Put Out For Deer?

The amount of corn you put out for deer will depend on a few factors, including how many deer are in the area and how often you plan to check on the corn. A general rule of thumb is to put out one bag of corn (usually 50 to 100 pounds) per acre of land. This will ensure that there is enough corn for all the deer in the area to eat for a few days.

It is important to note that you should not put out too much corn at once. This can lead to overfeeding and can cause health problems for the deer. Instead, it is best to check on the corn every few days and add more as needed.

When to Put Out Corn for Deer?

When To Put Out Corn For Deer?

The timing of when to put out corn for deer will depend on the hunting season and the habits of the deer in your area. In general, it is best to start putting out corn for deer a few months before the hunting season starts. This will give the deer time to find the corn and start using it as a food source.

You also want to make sure that you are not putting out corn during hot and dry conditions. This can cause the corn to mold, which can be harmful to the deer. Instead, it is best to put out the corn during cooler months when there is more moisture in the air.

The Best Type of Corn to Use for Deer?

The Best Type Of Corn To Use For Deer?

When it comes to the type of corn to use for deer, there are a few options to consider. Some hunters prefer to use whole corn, while others prefer to use cracked corn. Whole corn is less expensive and can be bought in bulk, but it takes longer for deer to eat. Cracked corn, on the other hand, is more expensive but is easier for deer to digest.

Another option to consider is flavored corn. Flavored corn comes in a variety of flavors, including apple, peanut butter, and molasses. This can help attract deer to the corn and increase the chances of a successful hunt.



Putting out corn for deer is a popular way to attract deer to your hunting ground. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can ensure that you are putting out corn safely and effectively. Remember to place the corn in an area where deer are likely to be, spread it out over a large area, and monitor it regularly. Also, make sure to use the right type of corn and put out the right amount at the right time. These tips will help increase your chances of a successful hunt and help ensure that the deer are well-fed and healthy.

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