Cracked Corn And Malted Barley Moonshine Recipe
Moonshine has been an American tradition since the colonial era. The term “moonshine” refers to any illegally brewed alcohol made in a makeshift still, usually in rural areas. These days, homebrewed moonshine is no longer illegal, as long as it’s made for personal consumption only. Making moonshine can be a fun hobby and an excellent way to impress your friends. This article will guide you through the process of making cracked corn and malted barley moonshine.
To make this moonshine, you’ll need:
- 5 pounds of cracked corn
- 1 pound of malted barley
- 5-gallon food-grade plastic bucket with a lid
- 5-gallon stockpot
- 5-gallon glass carboy
- Copper tubing
- Ice
- 5-gallon water cooler
- Yeast
- Sugar
The first step is to sanitize all the equipment. Use hot water and soap to wash the bucket, stockpot, and glass carboy. Rinse them well with hot water, then sanitize them with a solution of 1 tablespoon of bleach per gallon of water. Rinse them again thoroughly with hot water and let them air dry.
Bring 5 gallons of water to a boil in the stockpot. Add the cracked corn and malted barley to the water and stir well. Reduce the heat and let the mixture simmer for an hour, stirring occasionally.
After an hour, turn off the heat and let the mixture cool down to room temperature. Pour the mixture into the food-grade plastic bucket, and add yeast and sugar. Stir well and seal the bucket with a lid. Store the bucket in a cool, dark place for 7-10 days, stirring the mixture once a day.
Once the mixture has fermented, it’s time to distill the moonshine. Start by filling the glass carboy with ice water. Place the carboy on a table, and place the stockpot on the floor directly underneath it. Run copper tubing from the bucket to the stockpot, coiling the tubing inside the pot. The tubing should be long enough to reach the bottom of the pot.
Heat the mixture in the bucket over low heat. The alcohol will vaporize and travel through the copper tubing, which will cool the vapor and turn it back into a liquid. The liquid will drip into the stockpot, which will collect the moonshine.
Discard the first 50ml of moonshine, as it may contain impurities. Collect the rest of the moonshine and store it in glass jars with tight-fitting lids. The moonshine will have a high alcohol content, so be sure to drink it responsibly.
Making cracked corn and malted barley moonshine is a fun and rewarding hobby. You can customize the recipe to your taste by experimenting with different grains and sugars. Remember to always distill your moonshine in a well-ventilated area and to drink it responsibly. Enjoy!