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Corn On The Cob Plastic Wrap Microwave

Corn on the cob is a staple of summer barbecues, but preparing it can sometimes be a hassle. Boiling corn on the stove takes time, and grilling corn takes a bit of skill. One method that has gained popularity in recent years is microwaving corn in plastic wrap. This method is quick, easy, and results in perfectly cooked corn that is ready to eat in minutes. In this article, we will explore the process of cooking corn on the cob in plastic wrap in the microwave, including tips for choosing the right corn and wrapping it correctly.

What You Need


To prepare corn on the cob in plastic wrap in the microwave, you will need the following:

  • Fresh ears of corn
  • Plastic wrap
  • A microwave-safe plate

That's it! These are the only materials you need to get perfectly cooked corn on the cob quickly and easily.

Choosing the Right Corn

Choosing The Right Corn

When selecting corn for microwaving, there are a few things to keep in mind. First, make sure the corn is fresh. Look for ears with bright green husks and tassels that are still slightly moist. Shriveled or dried-out husks indicate old corn that may not cook well in the microwave.

Second, choose ears that are uniform in size. This will ensure that they cook evenly in the microwave. Ears that are significantly larger or smaller than the others may not cook properly.

Finally, look for ears that have plump kernels. This indicates that the corn is sweet and juicy, which will make for better-tasting corn on the cob.

Wrapping the Corn

Wrapping The Corn

Once you have selected your ears of corn, it's time to wrap them in plastic. Start by removing the husks and silks from the corn. Then, place each ear on a sheet of plastic wrap that is large enough to completely cover the corn.

Next, wrap the plastic tightly around the corn. Be sure to twist the ends of the plastic wrap to create a tight seal. This will keep the steam inside the wrap, which will cook the corn to perfection.

Microwaving the Corn

Microwaving The Corn

Once the corn is wrapped in plastic, it's time to microwave it. Place the wrapped ears of corn on a microwave-safe plate and microwave on high for 3-5 minutes. The exact cooking time will depend on the wattage of your microwave and the size of the ears of corn you are cooking.

When the corn is done, be careful when removing it from the microwave. The plastic wrap will be hot, so use oven mitts or a towel to handle it. Unwrap the corn and serve it immediately.


Microwaving corn on the cob in plastic wrap is a quick and easy way to prepare this summer favorite. By selecting fresh corn, wrapping it tightly in plastic, and microwaving it for a few minutes, you can have perfectly cooked corn on the cob in no time. Whether you're hosting a barbecue or just looking for a quick and easy meal, this method of cooking corn is sure to please.

Related video of Corn On The Cob Plastic Wrap Microwave - A Convenient Way To Prepare Corn