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Cook Corn On The Grill In Husk

If you're looking for a tasty and easy way to cook corn on the grill, cooking it in the husk is the way to go. Not only does it keep the corn moist, but it also locks in the flavor. In this article, we'll go over the best way to cook corn on the grill in the husk and share some tips and tricks along the way.

Choosing The Right Corn

Corn On The Cob In Husk

Before you start cooking, it's essential to choose the right corn. Look for corn with ears that are firm, full, and bright green. The husks should be bright green and tight-fitting, without any signs of wilting or yellowing. Make sure the silks at the top of the ear are golden brown and slightly sticky, indicating that the corn is mature.

Preparing The Corn

Preparing Corn On The Grill With Husk

Before grilling the corn, rinse it under running water to remove any dirt or debris. Gently pull back the husks, leaving them attached at the bottom of the ear. Removing the silks is optional, but it's a good idea to remove any excess silk that may have been left behind. Rinse the corn again to make sure all the silks are removed.

Seasoning The Corn

Seasoning Corn On The Grill

Once the corn is cleaned and prepared, it's time to add flavor. You can season the corn with butter, salt, pepper, or any other seasoning of your choice. Brush melted butter or oil all over the cob and sprinkle seasonings to taste. Some people like to add herbs, chili powder, or paprika to their corn for an extra kick.

Grilling The Corn

Grilling Corn On The Grill With Husk

Preheat your grill to medium-high heat. Once it's hot, place the prepared corn on the grill, making sure the husks are facing upwards. Close the grill cover and cook for around 15-20 minutes, turning the corn every 5 minutes. The corn is ready when the husks are charred and the kernels are tender.

Serving The Corn

Serving Corn On The Grill

Once the corn is cooked, remove it from the grill and let it cool for a few minutes. To serve, peel back the husks and use them as a handle. You can also tie the husks into a knot to make a cute presentation. Serve the corn with additional seasoning or a dollop of butter if desired.

Tips And Tricks

Corn On The Grill Tips
  • Soak the corn in cold water for 10-15 minutes before grilling to prevent the husks from burning.
  • Grill the corn with the husks pulled back for a more charred and smoky flavor.
  • If you're short on time, you can microwave the corn in the husk for 3-4 minutes before grilling to speed up the cooking process.
  • For a sweeter and juicier corn, add a teaspoon of sugar to the boiling water before cooking.


Cooking corn on the grill in the husk is a simple and delicious way to enjoy this summer staple. By following these tips and tricks, you'll end up with perfectly grilled corn that's bursting with flavor. Whether you're hosting a backyard barbecue or looking for a quick and easy side dish, grilled corn in the husk is sure to be a crowd-pleaser.

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