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Corn On The Cob Ready To Pick

Corn On The Cob Ready To Pick

The summer months are upon us, and that means one thing for many gardeners: it's time to harvest corn on the cob. Corn on the cob is a quintessential summer food that's a favorite of many people. If you have a vegetable garden or access to a farmer's market, you may be wondering when it's time to pick corn. In this article, we'll discuss everything you need to know about harvesting corn on the cob.

When is Corn On The Cob Ready To Pick?

Corn On The Cob Ready To Pick

The first question you might have is when is corn on the cob ready to pick? The answer to this question depends on a few factors, including the variety of corn you're growing and your local climate. Typically, corn is ready to harvest between 18-24 days after the silk appears. You can also tell if the corn is ready by checking the kernels. When they're plump and juicy, it's time to harvest.

Another way to check if the corn is ready is to peel back the husk and check the kernels. If they're milky and the rows are tightly packed together, then it's time to pick. On the other hand, if the kernels are still small and not fully formed or if they're wrinkled, then the corn isn't ready yet. You can also check the color of the silks. If they're brown, then the corn is past its prime and shouldn't be harvested.

How To Harvest Corn On The Cob

Corn On The Cob Ready To Pick

When it comes to harvesting corn on the cob, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First, make sure your hands are clean before picking the corn. Second, use a sharp knife or scissors to cut the ear of corn from the stalk. Cut it close to the base of the ear without damaging the stalk. You can also twist the ear of corn until it breaks off from the stalk, but this method can sometimes damage the stalk, so be careful.

After you've harvested the corn, it's important to use it as soon as possible to ensure maximum flavor and freshness. If you can't use it right away, store it in the refrigerator until you're ready to cook it.

How To Cook Corn On The Cob

Corn On The Cob Ready To Pick

Now that you've harvested your delicious corn on the cob, it's time to cook it. There are many ways to cook corn on the cob, but one of the most popular methods is boiling it. Fill a large pot with water and bring it to a boil. Add the corn and boil for 3-5 minutes. Remove the corn from the water and serve with butter, salt and pepper.

You can also grill or roast corn on the cob. To grill it, preheat your grill to medium-high heat. Brush the corn with butter or oil and season with salt and pepper. Place the corn on the grill and cook for 10-15 minutes, turning occasionally. To roast it, preheat your oven to 375 degrees F. Place the corn on a baking sheet and roast for 20-25 minutes.


Harvesting corn on the cob is a simple and rewarding process that yields a delicious summer food. Remember to wait until the corn is plump and juicy before picking it, and use a sharp knife or scissors to cut it from the stalk. After you've harvested it, cook it using your preferred method and enjoy the delicious flavor. With these tips, you'll be able to grow and harvest corn on the cob like a pro.

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