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If You Go Over 21 In Corn Hole

Cornhole is one of the most popular outdoor games in the United States. It is a simple game that can be played by people of all ages, and it can be played with just two people or with a group of friends. One of the most important things to understand about cornhole is that the objective of the game is to score points, and the first team to reach 21 points wins. However, if you go over 21 in cornhole, there are certain rules that you need to follow.

Understanding the Rules of Cornhole

Before we dive into what happens if you go over 21 in cornhole, it's important to understand the basic rules of the game. The game is typically played with two boards that are set up about 27 feet apart. Each board has a hole in it, and the objective of the game is to toss bean bags filled with corn (or another material) into the hole. The closer you get to the hole, the more points you score. The first team to reach 21 points wins the game.

There are a few other rules to keep in mind when playing cornhole:

  • Each team consists of two players.
  • Players alternate tossing the bean bags until all eight bags have been thrown.
  • If a player throws a bean bag that lands on the board but does not go in the hole, they score one point.
  • If a player throws a bean bag that goes in the hole, they score three points.
  • If a player throws a bean bag that lands on the board and is knocked into the hole by another bean bag, they score three points.
  • If a player throws a bean bag that lands on the board and is knocked off by another bean bag, the bag is removed from the board and does not count for points.
  • If a player throws a bean bag out of turn, their opponent can choose to cancel out their throw and force them to throw again.

What Happens If You Go Over 21?

Now, let's get to the heart of the matter: what happens if you go over 21 in cornhole? The answer is that it depends on the rules that you are playing by. There are a few different variations of the game, and each variation has its own set of rules. Here are a few possible scenarios:

Scenario 1: Bust

A Player Busting In Cornhole

In some variations of the game, if a team goes over 21 points, they bust. This means that all of their points from that round are nullified, and they start the next round with zero points. This can be a frustrating rule, especially if you are close to winning the game and accidentally go over 21 points. However, it does add an extra layer of strategy to the game, as players need to be careful not to overshoot their target.

Scenario 2: Cornhole Overtime

Cornhole Game Going Into Overtime

In other variations of the game, if a team goes over 21 points, they do not bust. Instead, they continue to play until both teams have thrown an equal number of bean bags. At the end of the round, the team with the most points wins. This is known as cornhole overtime, and it can be a fun way to add some excitement to the game.

Scenario 3: Reverse Cornhole

Reverse Cornhole Board Layout

In yet another variation of the game, if a team goes over 21 points, they do not bust. Instead, the game switches to reverse cornhole. This means that the teams switch sides and try to throw their bean bags into their opponent's hole. The first team to score 21 points on their opponent's board wins the game. This can be a fun way to mix things up and keep the game interesting.


Cornhole is a fun and simple game that can be enjoyed by people of all ages. However, it's important to understand the rules of the game, especially when it comes to what happens if you go over 21 points. Whether you are playing with friends or in a tournament, be sure to clarify the rules before starting the game. And most importantly, have fun!

Related video of If You Go Over 21 In Cornhole