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Best Time To Plant Corn In Utah

Corn Fields In Utah

Corn is one of the most popular and frequently grown crops across the United States, including Utah. However, planting corn can be a bit tricky, especially if you are a first-time grower. One of the most important factors that determine the success of your corn crop is the timing of planting.

If you live in Utah and planning to grow corn, then it is important to understand the best time to plant corn. This article outlines everything you need to know about planting corn in Utah, including the ideal planting time, soil preparation, and more.

When Is The Best Time To Plant Corn In Utah?

The ideal planting time for corn in Utah largely depends on the location and altitude of your garden. Generally, the best time to plant corn in Utah is from late April to early July. However, the planting time may vary depending on the region and climatic conditions.

If your garden is located in the northern part of Utah, then it is best to plant corn between late April and May. However, if you live in the southern region of the state, then the ideal planting time is from late May to early June.

It is important to note that corn requires warm soil temperatures to germinate and grow. The soil temperature should be at least 50°F (10°C) at planting time. Therefore, it is recommended to use a soil thermometer to measure the temperature of the soil before planting.

Corn Fields In Utah

Preparing The Soil For Corn Planting

Before planting corn, it is important to prepare the soil to ensure optimal growth and yield. Proper soil preparation includes testing the soil, adding organic matter and fertilizers, and tilling the soil.

It is recommended to test your soil to determine its pH level and nutrient content. This will help you to know what type and amount of fertilizers to add to the soil. Adding organic matter such as compost, manure, or cover crops can also improve soil structure and fertility.

Once you have tested and added the necessary amendments to the soil, you can till the soil to a depth of at least 6 to 8 inches. Tilling will help to eliminate weeds, loosen compacted soil, and improve aeration and drainage.

Choosing The Right Corn Variety

Choosing the right corn variety is crucial for a successful corn crop. When selecting a corn variety, consider the maturity, yield potential, and disease resistance.

There are three main types of corn to choose from: sweet corn, field corn, and popcorn. Sweet corn is the most popular type of corn for home gardens and is harvested when the kernels are in the milk stage. Field corn is used for animal feed and ethanol production and is harvested when the kernels are dry. Popcorn is a type of corn that pops when heated and can be a fun addition to your home garden.

Tips For Planting and Maintaining Corn

Here are some tips to help you plant and maintain a successful corn crop:

  1. Plant corn in rows that are at least 3 feet apart to allow proper air circulation and sunlight.
  2. Plant corn seeds about 1 inch deep in the soil and 6 inches apart in each row.
  3. Water the corn seedlings regularly, at least 1 inch per week.
  4. Control weeds by mulching or hand weeding.
  5. Fertilize the corn plants with nitrogen fertilizers when the plants are about 6 inches tall and again when the corn is knee-high.
  6. Watch for pests and diseases such as corn borers, armyworms, and rust. Treat as needed.


Planting corn in Utah can be a rewarding experience if done correctly. The best time to plant corn in Utah is from late April to early July, depending on your location and altitude. Proper soil preparation, choosing the right corn variety, and following the planting and maintenance tips outlined in this article can ensure a healthy and fruitful corn crop.

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