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Best Time To Plant Corn In Florida

Corn Field In Florida

Corn is one of the most significant crops grown in the United States, and Florida is no exception. With its warm and sunny climate, Florida provides an ideal environment for growing corn. However, to achieve a successful corn harvest in Florida, you need to know the best time to plant corn. Planting corn at the right time guarantees a high yield and saves you from potential losses due to weather conditions.

Understanding Florida's Climate

Florida Climate Map

Florida has a warm and humid subtropical climate, characterized by hot summers and mild winters. The state experiences two distinct seasons: wet and dry. The wet season runs from May to October, while the dry season occurs from November to April. The state is also susceptible to occasional hurricanes and tropical storms, which can significantly affect a corn crop.

When to Plant Corn in Florida

Florida Corn Planting Calendar

The best time to plant corn in Florida largely depends on the region and the prevailing weather conditions. Generally, the ideal time is between mid-February and mid-March when the weather is warm and sunny. This period allows the corn to grow well and reach maturity before the onset of the rainy season. Planting during the rainy season can lead to waterlogging and fungal infections, which can damage the crop.

However, if you are in the northern part of Florida, you can opt to plant corn later, between mid-March and early April. This region experiences cooler temperatures and a shorter growing season, which means that planting earlier may lead to frost damage.

Factors Affecting Corn Growth in Florida

Corn Growth In Florida

Several factors can affect corn growth in Florida, including soil type, temperature, rainfall, and pests. Florida has diverse soil types, ranging from sandy to loamy soils, with varying levels of fertility. Sandy soils are common in the coastal regions and are generally low in nutrients, requiring regular fertilization. On the other hand, the loamy soils in the northern and central regions have better water retention and nutrient levels.

Temperature is another crucial factor that affects corn growth. Corn requires soil temperatures of at least 60°F for germination and optimal growth. In Florida, this temperature is usually achieved in late winter or early spring. The ideal daytime temperatures for corn growth are between 77°F and 91°F, while nighttime temperatures should be above 60°F.

Finally, pests and diseases can cause significant damage to a corn crop. Common pests in Florida include armyworms, corn earworms, and corn borers, while diseases include rust and gray leaf spot. Regular scouting and early detection of these pests and diseases are critical for effective control.

Corn Varieties Suitable for Florida

Corn Varieties Suitable For Florida

Choosing the right corn variety is essential for successful growth in Florida. The variety should be tolerant to the region's prevailing weather conditions, resistant to common pests and diseases and produce high yields. Some of the suitable corn varieties for Florida include:

  • Florida 201: This variety is adapted to Florida's weather conditions and soil types and is resistant to rust and gray leaf spot.
  • GA Crop Improvement Association's SuperSeed 73: This variety is tolerant to drought and produces high yields.
  • Golden Cross Bantam: This variety is well adapted to Florida's sandy soils and produces high-quality corn.


To achieve a successful corn harvest in Florida, you need to plant at the right time, choose suitable varieties, and manage pests and diseases effectively. Late winter or early spring, between mid-February and mid-March, is the ideal planting time for most regions in Florida. Proper soil preparation, fertilization, and irrigation are also critical for optimal growth and yield. By following these guidelines, you can enjoy a bumper harvest of high-quality corn in Florida.

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