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Calories In Ear Of Corn No Butter

Corn Husk And Ears

Corn is a popular vegetable that is widely consumed all over the world. It’s a great source of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. Corn is versatile and can be prepared in a variety of ways, such as grilled, boiled, roasted, or steamed. However, one common question that comes to mind while consuming corn is how many calories are in an ear of corn with no butter? In this article, we will explore this topic in detail.

The Nutritional Value of Corn

Corn Grains Close Up

The nutritional value of corn varies depending on how it is prepared. One ear of corn contains approximately 123 calories, 27 grams of carbohydrates, 4 grams of protein, 2 grams of fat, and 3 grams of fiber. Corn is also rich in vitamins and minerals such as Vitamin C, Thiamin, Folate, and Magnesium. Corn is a great source of antioxidants as well, which can reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

How Many Calories are in an Ear of Corn with No Butter?

Corn On The Cob

An average-sized ear of corn with no butter contains approximately 90-100 calories. It’s important to note that the calorie count can vary depending on the size of the ear and how it is prepared. For example, an extra-large ear of corn can contain up to 150 calories.

How to Prepare Corn to Reduce Calories

Boiling Corn On The Cob

To reduce the number of calories in corn, you can prepare it in a variety of ways. Boiling or steaming corn is one of the best ways to reduce calories. It’s also important to avoid adding butter or other high-calorie toppings. Instead, flavor your corn with herbs and spices. You can also try grilling or roasting corn without butter for a healthy and delicious alternative.

How Much Corn Should You Consume?

Corn Cobs

Corn is a healthy vegetable that can be consumed in moderation as part of a balanced diet. According to USDA guidelines, adults should consume 2-3 cups of vegetables per day. One medium-sized ear of corn can count as one cup of vegetables. It’s important to remember that consuming too much corn can lead to consuming too many calories, so it’s important to monitor your portion sizes.


Corn is a nutritious and delicious vegetable that can be consumed in a variety of ways. An ear of corn with no butter contains approximately 90-100 calories. To reduce the calorie count, avoid adding high-calorie toppings and flavor your corn with herbs and spices. Consume corn in moderation as part of a balanced diet to reap its many health benefits.

Related video of Calories In Ear Of Corn No Butter: How Much You Should Consume