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Its Corn It Has The Juice Meme

Corn Juice Meme

Have you ever heard someone say "it's corn, it has the juice"? If you haven't, you're missing out on one of the latest viral memes making waves across social media. In this comprehensive article, we'll take a deep dive into the origins of the "It's Corn, It Has The Juice" meme, how it became popular, and why people can't get enough of it.

Origins of the "It's Corn, It Has The Juice" Meme

Corn Maze Meme

The "It's Corn, It Has The Juice" meme is relatively new, but its origins can be traced back to a video that was uploaded to TikTok in May 2021. The video, which was created by user @tylerrjosephh, shows a person walking through a corn maze while saying "it's corn, it has the juice" in response to a friend's question about what they were doing. The video quickly went viral, with people finding the phrase "it's corn, it has the juice" both hilarious and catchy.

The phrase "it's corn, it has the juice" is a reference to the fact that corn is often used to make corn juice, which is a popular drink in some parts of the world. While corn juice may not be well-known in the United States, the phrase has taken on a life of its own, with people using it to refer to anything that they feel is self-explanatory or obvious.

How The Meme Became Popular

Corn Juice

After the original TikTok video went viral, the phrase "it's corn, it has the juice" quickly became a popular meme across TikTok, Twitter, and Instagram. People started using the phrase in a variety of contexts, from responding to simple questions to making jokes about how obvious things were. The meme also started to spawn a variety of different variations, including memes that featured corn juice bottles with the phrase "it's corn, it has the juice" on them.

As the meme continued to gain popularity, it eventually caught the attention of mainstream media outlets. It was featured in articles by publications such as BuzzFeed and Insider, and was even mentioned on TV shows like The Tonight Show Starring Jimmy Fallon. The attention from the media helped to spread the meme further, and it continues to be one of the most popular memes online today.

Why People Can't Get Enough Of It

Corn Juice Meme

So, why are people so obsessed with the "It's Corn, It Has The Juice" meme? There are a few reasons why it has become so popular. Firstly, the phrase is simple and catchy, making it easy for people to remember and repeat. Secondly, the meme is relatable - we've all had moments where we've stated the obvious or responded to a question with a completely unnecessary explanation. Finally, the meme is just plain funny - there's something inherently amusing about the idea of corn juice, and the phrase "it's corn, it has the juice" is just strange enough to be entertaining.


The "It's Corn, It Has The Juice" meme is a perfect example of how something small and seemingly insignificant can quickly become a cultural phenomenon. While the origins of the meme may be simple, its impact has been anything but. As people continue to share and create variations of the meme, it's clear that "it's corn, it has the juice" will continue to make us laugh and bring us together.

Related video of"It's Corn, It Has The Juice" Meme Goes Viral