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Difference Between Olive Oil And Corn Oil

For many years, olive oil and corn oil have been the two most commonly used oils in cooking. They are both versatile, available in a variety of grades and flavors, and are popular among health-conscious individuals. However, despite their similarities, there are significant differences between these two oils- from their nutritional profiles to their cooking applications. In this article, we will explore the differences between olive oil and corn oil, and help you make an informed decision on which oil to use for your cooking needs.

What Is Olive Oil?

Olive Oil

Olive oil is a liquid fat extracted from olives, the fruit of the olive tree. It is predominantly used in cooking, cosmetics, and pharmaceuticals.The oil has a strong flavor, which can range from fruity and bitter to sweet and buttery, depending on the type of olives used and the degree of ripeness.

What Is Corn Oil?

Corn Oil

Corn oil is a vegetable oil extracted from the germ of corn (maize) kernels. It has a high smoke point, making it a popular choice for frying and baking. It has a neutral taste, which makes it versatile for use in various recipes.

Nutritional Differences

One of the main differences between olive oil and corn oil is their nutritional profile. Olive oil is often touted as one of the healthiest oils due to its abundance of monounsaturated fats, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory properties. On the other hand, corn oil has a high content of polyunsaturated fats and omega-6 fatty acids, which are essential fatty acids that the body cannot produce on its own.

Olive oil also contains more vitamin E and K, and significantly more saturated fat than corn oil. Furthermore, olive oil contains oleic acid, which has been linked to lower rates of heart disease and stroke. Corn oil, on the other hand, is high in linoleic acid, which has been associated with inflammation and may increase the risk of heart disease when consumed in excess.

Cooking Differences

Another major difference between olive oil and corn oil is their application in cooking. Olive oil has a lower smoke point than corn oil, which means it cannot be used for high-temperature cooking such as deep-frying. Olive oil is best used for sautéing or baking, where it imparts a distinct flavor to the dish.

Corn oil, on the other hand, has a high smoke point and can withstand high-temperature cooking without breaking down. This makes it ideal for deep-frying or pan-frying, as it does not impart any added flavors to the dish.


Both olive oil and corn oil have their own unique benefits and drawbacks. While olive oil is considered as one of the healthiest oils due to its abundance of monounsaturated fats, antioxidants, and anti-inflammatory properties, corn oil is a neutral-tasting oil that is versatile for use in various recipes. When it comes to cooking, olive oil is best used for sautéing or baking, while corn oil is ideal for high-temperature cooking such as deep-frying. Choosing which oil to use ultimately depends on your personal preferences and cooking needs.

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