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Difference Between Corn Snake And Rat Snake

Snakes are fascinating creatures and are becoming increasingly popular as pets. Two snake species that are commonly kept as pets are the corn snake and the rat snake. Although they may look similar, these snakes have some key differences in terms of appearance, behavior, and habitat. In this article, we will explore the main differences between the corn snake and the rat snake, helping you to make an informed decision if you are considering keeping either of these snakes as pets.

Physical Appearance

The corn snake and the rat snake are both thin and have elongated bodies, but there are some differences in their physical appearance that can help you to tell them apart. Corn snakes are typically smaller than rat snakes, usually reaching a length of around four or five feet. Rat snakes, on the other hand, can grow up to seven feet in length. Corn snakes have distinctive patterns that run along the length of their bodies, with a reddish-orange background color and small black markings. Rat snakes have a more speckled appearance, with a grayish-brown background color and larger, darker blotches.

Corn Snake Vs Rat Snake

Behavior and Temperament

The behavior and temperament of corn snakes and rat snakes can vary, although both are known for being docile and easy to handle. Corn snakes are generally considered to be more gentle and less prone to biting than rat snakes, although individual temperaments can vary. Rat snakes are more likely to bite if they feel threatened or scared, but with proper handling, they can become quite tame. Both snakes are active during the day and can be kept in a variety of different enclosures, including glass tanks, plastic tubs, and wooden vivariums.

Habitat and Diet

Corn snakes and rat snakes have similar habitats in the wild, often living in a range of environments such as forests, fields, and grasslands. Their diets also overlap, with both species feeding mainly on small rodents such as mice and rats. However, there are some differences in their feeding habits. Rat snakes are known to eat a wider range of prey than corn snakes, including birds, eggs, and amphibians. Corn snakes, on the other hand, have a more specialized diet and feed almost exclusively on rodents.


Overall, the corn snake and the rat snake are two distinct species with several differences in terms of appearance, behavior, and diet. If you are considering keeping either of these snakes as pets, it is important to do your research and choose the one that is best suited to your lifestyle and preferences. Both snakes are fascinating creatures that make great pets, but it is important to understand their individual needs and characteristics in order to provide them with a happy and healthy life.

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