Boiling Corn On The Cob In Husk
Corn on the cob is a summertime favorite in the United States, and you may be wondering how to cook it perfectly. Boiling corn on the cob in husk is a great way to retain moisture and flavor. This method of cooking corn on the cob is easy and doesn't require a lot of extra tools or equipment.
Step-By-Step Guide:
Step 1: Choose Fresh Corn
To start, choose fresh corn. Look for husks that are tight and green. The corn should feel heavy for its size, and the silk should be golden-brown, not black or dry.
Step 2: Peel Back The Husks
Peel back the husks of the corn, but do not remove them completely. You want to keep the husks on to help steam the corn and retain its moisture. Remove as much silk as possible.
Step 3: Soak In Water
Soak the corn in water for at least 15 minutes, but up to 30 minutes is preferable. This will help keep the husks moist while cooking.
Step 4: Boil The Corn
Place the soaked corn in a large pot of boiling water. Cover the pot and cook for about 10-12 minutes or until the corn is tender.
Step 5: Serve And Enjoy
Remove the corn from the pot with tongs or a slotted spoon. Let it cool for a minute or two, then serve with your favorite toppings.
Tips For Perfect Corn On The Cob
Tip 1: Add Flavoring To The Water
You can add flavoring to the water to give the corn extra flavor. Some common additions include salt, butter, and sugar. These can be added to the water before boiling the corn.
Tip 2: Do Not Overcook Corn
Be careful not to overcook the corn. Overcooked corn will be mushy and not as flavorful. Cooking for 10-12 minutes is usually enough to get tender, juicy corn.
Tip 3: Grill The Corn
If you prefer, you can also grill the corn on the cob in husk. Simply peel back the husks, remove the silk, and soak the corn in water for 30 minutes. Place the corn on a hot grill and grill for about 15-20 minutes, turning occasionally.
Boiling corn on the cob in husk is an easy and delicious way to cook corn. It retains moisture and flavor, making it a summertime favorite. By following these simple steps and tips, you can have perfectly cooked corn every time.