Best Time To Put Out Corn For Deer
Deer are a common sighting in many parts of the United States, and they are beloved by hunters and wildlife enthusiasts alike. If you want to attract more deer to your property for hunting or simply to watch them, putting out corn is a popular and effective method. However, it's not just a matter of throwing corn on the ground and waiting for the deer to come. Knowing the best time to put out corn for deer is crucial to maximize your chances of success.
Deer Feeding Habits
Deer are primarily crepuscular animals, which means that they are most active during dawn and dusk. They have a natural instinct to feed during these times to avoid predators and conserve energy during the hottest parts of the day. However, deer also feed at night and throughout the day if conditions are right, such as during the winter when food sources are scarce.
Deer have a varied diet depending on the season and their geographic location. In the spring and summer, they eat a lot of grasses, leaves, and fruits. In the fall, they focus on acorns and other nuts as they prepare for the winter. During the winter, they rely on bark, twigs, and evergreen needles when other food sources are not available.
Factors That Influence Deer Feeding Behavior
Several factors can influence deer feeding behavior, and understanding them can help you determine the best time to put out corn for deer. These factors include:
- Weather: Deer are more likely to feed during calm and cool weather conditions. High winds and heavy rain can make it difficult for them to hear and smell their surroundings, making them more cautious and less likely to feed.
- Food availability: Deer will naturally gravitate towards areas where food is abundant. If there are already plenty of food sources in your area, you may not need to put out corn to attract them.
- Season: As mentioned earlier, deer's diets change depending on the season. Knowing what food sources are available during each season can help you determine the best time to put out corn.
- Time of day: As previously mentioned, deer are most active during dawn and dusk. Putting out corn during these times can increase your chances of attracting them to your property.
- Hunting pressure: If your property is heavily hunted, deer may be more cautious and less likely to come out during daylight hours. Putting out corn during off-hours, such as mid-day, may be more effective in these situations.
Best Time To Put Out Corn For Deer
Based on the factors mentioned above, the best time to put out corn for deer is during the fall and winter seasons when other food sources are scarce. Putting out corn during these times can help supplement the deer's diet and increase their chances of survival during the colder months.
As for the time of day, putting out corn during dawn and dusk can be effective, but it can also attract other animals such as raccoons and squirrels. If you don't want these other animals eating your corn, consider putting it out during mid-day when the deer are less likely to be spooked by hunting pressure.
When putting out corn for deer, it's important to do so in moderation. Too much corn can disrupt the deer's natural feeding patterns and cause them to become reliant on it. It can also attract unwanted animals and create a mess on your property. A good rule of thumb is to put out no more than two to three pounds of corn per deer per day.
Putting out corn for deer can be a great way to attract these majestic animals to your property. However, understanding their feeding habits and the factors that influence them is crucial to determine the best time to do so. By following the tips outlined in this article, you can increase your chances of success and create a more enjoyable hunting or wildlife watching experience.