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Fresh Corn On The Grill In Foil

Summer is finally here and it’s time to fire up the grill for some mouth-watering treats. One of the ultimate summer dishes is fresh corn on the grill in foil, and it’s incredibly easy to make. Not only is it tasty, but it’s also a healthy option for vegetarians and vegans. Here is everything you need to know about making fresh corn on the grill in foil.

Choosing The Right Corn

Ear Of Corn

The first step to making delicious fresh corn on the grill in foil is to choose the right corn. The fresher the corn, the sweeter it will be. Look for corn that has tight, green leaves and kernels that are plump. You should also avoid ears of corn that have brown or dry-looking tassels, as these are signs that the corn is past its prime.

Preparing The Corn

Corn On The Grill In Foil

After you have selected your corn, the next step is to prepare it for the grill. Remove any damaged outer layers of the corn husks, but leave the green husks intact. Gently peel back the husks to reveal the silk, but do not remove it. Once the silk is exposed, remove as much of it as possible without removing any of the kernels. Then, carefully fold the husks back up around the corn to cover it completely.

Wrapping The Corn In Foil

Grilling Foil

Now it’s time to wrap the corn in foil. Cut a piece of aluminum foil that is large enough to fully wrap the corn. Place the corn in the center of the foil and fold the sides up around the corn to make a pouch. Make sure that the top of the pouch is tightly sealed to prevent any steam from escaping during cooking. You can also add any seasonings or butter to the corn before sealing the pouch if desired.

Grilling The Corn

Grilled Corn On The Bbq

The final step is to grill the corn pouches. Preheat your grill to medium heat and place the pouches on the grate. Grill the corn for about 15-20 minutes, turning occasionally. Check the corn for tenderness by gently pressing on the husks. If the kernels feel tender and plump, then the corn is ready.


Fresh corn on the grill in foil is a mouth-watering and healthy summer delight. By following these simple steps, you can create a delicious and nutritious meal that will wow your friends and family. Enjoy!

Related video of How To Make Fresh Corn On The Grill In Foil – A Tasty Summer Delight