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Best Deer Attractant To Mix With Corn

Deer hunting is a popular outdoor activity enjoyed by many people in the United States. To bag a trophy buck, hunters use a variety of techniques to attract deer to their hunting area. One popular technique is to use deer attractants mixed with corn as bait. In this article, we will explore the best deer attractants to mix with corn for successful hunting.

Why Use Attractants?

Deer attractants are used to lure deer to a specific area for hunting purposes. They are typically made with natural ingredients that deer find irresistible, such as apples, acorns, and other fruits. When mixed with corn, which is a favorite food of deer, attractants can be very effective in drawing deer to a specific location.

Using attractants can help increase your chances of seeing deer during your hunting trip. When deer find a food source that they enjoy, they will return to that location regularly, making it easier for hunters to track and ultimately, take down their prey.

The Best Deer Attractants to Mix with Corn

There are several types of deer attractants available on the market, each with its unique features and benefits. Here we will discuss the best deer attractants to mix with corn:

1. Apple Flavored Attractants

Apple Flavored Attractants

Apple-flavored attractants are one of the most popular attractants used by hunters to lure deer to their hunting area. These attractants are made with real apples, which are a favorite food of deer. When mixed with corn, the sweet scent of apples will draw deer in from long distances.

2. Acorn Flavored Attractants

Acorn Flavored Attractants

Acorn-flavored attractants are another popular choice among hunters. These attractants are made with real crushed acorns, which have a natural scent that deer find irresistible. When mixed with corn, acorn-flavored attractants can be very effective in attracting deer to your hunting area.

3. Sugar Beet Juice Attractants

Sugar Beet Juice Attractants

Sugar beet juice attractants are a relatively new type of deer attractant that has gained popularity in recent years. These attractants are made with real sugar beet juice, which has a sweet scent that deer find irresistible. When mixed with corn, sugar beet juice attractants can be very effective in attracting deer to your hunting area.

4. Peanut Butter Flavored Attractants

Peanut Butter Flavored Attractants

Peanut butter-flavored attractants are another popular choice among hunters. These attractants are made with real peanut butter, which has a strong, sweet-salty scent that deer find irresistible. When mixed with corn, peanut butter-flavored attractants can be very effective in attracting deer to your hunting area.


Mixing deer attractants with corn is an effective way to lure deer to your hunting area. Whether you choose an apple, acorn, sugar beet juice, or peanut butter-flavored attractant, each has its unique features that will help increase your chances of seeing deer during your hunting trip. When using attractants, be sure to follow state hunting regulations, and always practice safe and ethical hunting practices.

Related video of Best Deer Attractant To Mix With Corn