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Are Corn Meal And Corn Starch The Same

Corn Meal And Corn Starch

Many people often confuse corn meal and corn starch with each other. Both are made from corn, but they have different purposes in cooking and baking. Understanding the difference between these two ingredients is crucial when preparing a recipe. This article highlights the differences between corn meal and corn starch, their properties, uses, and nutritional values to explain why they are not the same.

What is Corn Meal?

Corn Meal

Corn meal is a coarse flour made by grinding corn kernels into small particles. It is commonly used to make cornbread, muffins, and coating for fried foods. There are different types of cornmeal: yellow, white, and blue. Yellow cornmeal is the most used in the United States, and it has a longer shelf life. White cornmeal is less gritty and has a milder flavor, and it is mostly used in Southern cuisine. Blue cornmeal is the rarest and most expensive, and it is used in a variety of recipes, including tortillas and chips.

What is Corn Starch?

Corn Starch

Corn starch is a fine, white powder made by extracting the starch from corn kernels. It is used as a thickening agent in sauces, gravies, and soups. It is also used as a binding agent in baked goods, such as cakes, cookies, and puddings, to give them a lighter texture. Corn starch is gluten-free, making it a popular choice in gluten-free recipes.

What are the Differences Between Corn Meal and Corn Starch?

There are several differences between corn meal and corn starch:

  • Corn meal is a coarse flour, whereas corn starch is a fine powder
  • Corn meal is used for baking and frying, whereas corn starch is used for thickening and binding
  • Corn meal contains more fiber and protein than corn starch
  • Corn starch is a gluten-free alternative to wheat flour, whereas corn meal is not

How to Use Corn Meal and Corn Starch in Recipes?

Corn meal and corn starch are used differently in recipes. Corn meal is used primarily for baking, frying, and coating, while corn starch is used mainly for thickening sauces, gravies, and soups.

When using corn meal in recipes, it is important to choose the right type of corn meal. For instance, yellow cornmeal is appropriate for most recipes because it has a stronger flavor and longer shelf life. If the recipe requires a milder flavor or a finer texture, white cornmeal is a better choice.

Corn starch should be used sparingly when thickening sauces or gravies to prevent the dish from becoming too thick. It should be mixed into cold liquids before adding it to the hot liquid to prevent lumps. Corn starch should not be boiled for more than a few minutes, or it will break down and lose its thickening properties.

What are the Nutritional Values of Corn Meal and Corn Starch?

Corn meal and corn starch have different nutritional values. Corn meal is rich in carbohydrates, fiber, and protein. It is also a good source of vitamins and minerals, such as iron, zinc, and vitamin B6. On the other hand, corn starch is mostly composed of carbohydrates and has very little nutritional value.

Consuming corn meal in moderation can be part of a healthy diet, especially if combined with other nutrient-dense foods. Corn starch, however, should be consumed sparingly, as it has a high glycemic index, which can cause blood sugar spikes and contribute to diabetes and obesity.


In conclusion, corn meal and corn starch are not the same. Corn meal is a coarse flour used for baking and frying, while corn starch is a fine powder used for thickening and binding. They have different nutritional values, properties, and uses. Understanding the difference between these two ingredients is essential when preparing a recipe, as they are not interchangeable.

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