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Painful Seed Corn On Bottom Of Foot

Seed corns are small, circular, and painful bumps that usually occur on the bottom of the foot. They are called seed corns because they are about the size of a seed and look like a kernel of corn. They can be quite painful, especially when you walk or stand for long periods. If you are dealing with a painful seed corn on the bottom of your foot, then this article is for you.

What Causes Seed Corns?

Seed corns can have several causes. They can develop due to excessive sweating, which leads to the formation of calluses on the bottom of the feet that eventually turn into seed corns. They can also be caused by ill-fitting shoes or shoes that rub against the skin of the feet. Additionally, seed corns can develop due to standing or walking for long periods, which puts pressure on the feet and causes calluses to form.

If you have poor circulation or are diabetic, then you may be more prone to developing seed corns. People with these conditions should take extra care of their feet to prevent seed corns from forming.

What Are the Symptoms of Seed Corns?

The most common symptom of a seed corn is the presence of a small bump on the bottom of the foot. The bump may be tender or painful when touched. It can also cause discomfort when walking or standing for long periods. In some cases, seed corns can cause cracking or splitting of the skin on the bottom of the foot.

How Is a Seed Corn Diagnosed?

If you have a painful bump on the bottom of your foot, then you should visit a podiatrist for a proper diagnosis. The podiatrist will examine your foot and may take an X-ray to rule out any underlying bone conditions. They may also take a biopsy of the bump to determine if it is a seed corn or a different type of growth.

How Is a Seed Corn Treated?

The treatment of a seed corn depends on its severity. In mild cases, the podiatrist may recommend using a pumice stone to gently file away the dead skin that has built up on the bottom of the foot. If the seed corn is causing discomfort, then the podiatrist may recommend using a cushioned insole or padding to alleviate pressure on the affected area.

In more severe cases, the podiatrist may need to remove the seed corn with a scalpel. This procedure is done under local anesthesia and is generally quick and painless. The podiatrist may also recommend using a prescription-strength cream to reduce the size of the seed corn and prevent it from recurring.

Preventing Seed Corns

Preventing seed corns is possible by taking good care of your feet. Make sure to wear comfortable shoes that fit properly and do not rub against your skin. Avoid standing or walking for long periods and take frequent breaks to rest your feet. Keep your feet clean and dry, and avoid wearing shoes that are too tight or too loose.

If you have poor circulation or are diabetic, then it is important to take extra care of your feet. Check your feet regularly for any signs of corns or other foot problems and seek medical attention if you notice anything unusual.


Seed corns on the bottom of the foot can be quite painful, but with proper diagnosis and treatment, they can be easily managed. If you are experiencing any symptoms of a seed corn, then it is important to seek medical attention from a podiatrist. By taking good care of your feet, you can prevent seed corns from occurring and maintain healthy and pain-free feet.

What Causes Seed Corns
What Are The Symptoms Of Seed Corns
How Is A Seed Corn Diagnosed
How Is A Seed Corn Treated
Preventing Seed Corns

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