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Corn On The Cob In Microwave Paper Towel

As summer rolls around, many Americans eagerly await the arrival of fresh corn on the cob. There's something about biting into a juicy, buttery ear of corn that just screams "summer!" Unfortunately, cooking corn on the cob can be time-consuming and messy. Boiling water, unwieldy pots, and hot steam can pose a challenge for even the most experienced cooks.

That's why many people turn to the microwave when it comes to cooking corn on the cob. And while it might seem like a strange way to cook this summertime classic, microwaving corn on the cob is actually a quick and easy method that can yield delicious results.

The Benefits of Cooking Corn on the Cob in the Microwave

Corn On The Cob In Microwave

There are several benefits to cooking corn on the cob in the microwave. For one thing, it's much faster than boiling or grilling. Depending on the size of your microwave and the number of ears you're cooking, you can have perfectly cooked corn on the cob in as little as 5 minutes.

Another advantage of microwaving corn on the cob is that it's less messy than other methods. There's no need to boil water or clean up dirty pots and pans. Plus, the corn stays moist and tender, without the risk of overcooking or drying out.

How to Cook Corn on the Cob in the Microwave

Corn On The Cob

So how do you cook corn on the cob in the microwave? It's surprisingly simple:

  1. Remove the husks and silk from the corn. Rinse the ears under cool water to remove any remaining silk or dirt.
  2. Wrap each ear of corn in a damp paper towel. Make sure the paper towel is completely wet, as this will help to steam the corn and prevent it from drying out.
  3. Place the wrapped ears of corn on a microwave-safe dish or plate.
  4. Microwave the corn for 2-5 minutes, depending on the number of ears and the wattage of your microwave. For 1-2 ears, start with 2 minutes; for 3-4 ears, start with 3-4 minutes. Check the corn after each minute and continue microwaving until it's cooked to your liking.
  5. Carefully remove the ears of corn from the microwave using oven mitts or a kitchen towel. Let them cool for a minute or two before unwrapping them and serving.

Tips and Tricks for Perfectly Cooked Corn on the Cob

Cooked Corn On The Cob

While microwaving corn on the cob is a breeze, there are a few tips and tricks you can use to ensure that it turns out perfectly every time:

  • Don't overcook the corn: As with any cooking method, it's important not to overdo it. Keep a close eye on the corn and check it frequently to prevent it from becoming mushy or tough.
  • Season it well: Corn on the cob is delicious on its own, but a little seasoning can take it to the next level. Try rubbing a little butter, salt, and pepper over the ears before wrapping them in paper towels.
  • Experiment with different toppings: If you're feeling adventurous, try topping your corn with different herbs, spices, and sauces. Some popular options include chili powder, garlic butter, and grated Parmesan cheese.
  • Use fresh corn: While you can technically microwave frozen corn on the cob, it's best to use fresh ears for the most flavorful results.

In Conclusion

Overall, microwaving corn on the cob is a quick and easy way to enjoy this summertime classic without the fuss of traditional cooking methods. Whether you're in a hurry or just looking for a mess-free way to prepare corn, this method is definitely worth a try. So grab some fresh ears, wrap them in paper towels, and get ready to savor the taste of summer!

Related video of Corn on the Cob in Microwave Paper Towel: A Quick and Easy Way to Enjoy a Summertime Classic