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Best Time To Plant Corn In Mississippi

Corn is one of the most important crops grown in Mississippi. According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), Mississippi grows over 1.3 million acres of corn annually. If you are planning to plant corn in Mississippi, timing is crucial. In this article, we will discuss the best time to plant corn in Mississippi to ensure a good yield.

Understanding the Climate in Mississippi

Mississippi Climate

Before planting corn, it is essential to understand the climate in Mississippi. The state has a humid subtropical climate, which means hot summers and mild winters. The average temperature in Mississippi ranges from 52°F (11°C) to 94°F (34°C). The average annual rainfall in the state is around 59 inches, with most of the rainfall occurring between March and August.

Factors to Consider When Planting Corn

Corn Planting

When planting corn in Mississippi, several factors need to be considered, including soil temperature, moisture, and the risk of frost. These factors will impact the growth and yield of the corn crop.

Soil Temperature

Soil Temperature

Corn seeds need warm soil to germinate and grow. The ideal soil temperature for planting corn is around 60°F (16°C). If the soil temperature is colder than 50°F (10°C), germination will be slow, and the plants may be stunted. On the other hand, if the soil temperature is too high, the corn may emerge too quickly, leading to uneven stands. Therefore, it is essential to monitor the soil temperature before planting corn.


Moisture In Soil

Moisture is another crucial factor to consider when planting corn. Corn requires adequate moisture to germinate and grow. However, excessive moisture can lead to waterlogging, which can damage the plants' roots. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure that the soil is well-drained before planting corn. Additionally, it is important to monitor the rainfall in your area and adjust your planting time to avoid planting during periods of heavy rainfall.

Risk of Frost

Frost Risk

Frost can damage or kill young corn plants. Therefore, it is important to plant corn after the last frost date in your area. In Mississippi, the last frost date varies from late February in the southern parts of the state to mid-April in the northern parts. By planting after the last frost date, you can ensure that your corn plants have the best chance of survival.

Best Time to Plant Corn in Mississippi

Corn Planting Season

The best time to plant corn in Mississippi is between late March and early June, depending on your location. In the southern parts of the state, planting can begin as early as late February or early March. However, in the northern parts, planting should be delayed until mid-April to avoid the risk of frost.

It is important to note that the planting window for corn in Mississippi is relatively short. Therefore, it is crucial to prepare the soil and have everything ready before planting. This will ensure that you can take advantage of the limited planting window and maximize your yield.

Tips for Planting Corn in Mississippi

Corn Planting Tips

Here are some tips for planting corn in Mississippi:

  • Choose the right variety of corn that is suitable for your location and climate.
  • Prepare the soil before planting by tilling and adding organic matter.
  • Plant corn in rows, with a spacing of around 30 inches between rows.
  • Plant the corn seeds at a depth of around 1-2 inches.
  • Ensure that the soil is well-drained to prevent waterlogging.
  • Monitor the soil temperature and moisture to ensure optimal growth conditions.
  • Fertilize the corn plants regularly to promote healthy growth.


Planting corn in Mississippi requires careful consideration of several factors, including soil temperature, moisture, and the risk of frost. By understanding these factors and timing your planting correctly, you can ensure a good yield of corn. Remember to prepare the soil, choose the right variety of corn, and monitor the growth conditions regularly to maximize your yield.

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