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Corn On The Cob Calories Per Cob

Corn On The Cob Calories Per Cob

There is no denying that corn on the cob is one of the most popular side dishes during summer barbecues, picnics, and other outdoor events. But how many calories are you consuming when you indulge in this sweet and crunchy treat? In this article, we will explore the calorie content of a corn on the cob and the nutritional benefits it provides.

The Calorie Content of Corn On The Cob

Calories In Corn On The Cob

The calorie content of a corn on the cob largely depends on its size and how it is prepared. On average, a medium-sized corn on the cob contains around 77 calories. However, if you add butter, salt, or other condiments, the calorie count can quickly add up. For example, a tablespoon of butter adds an additional 102 calories, while a teaspoon of salt adds 0 calories. Therefore, if you want to keep the calorie count low, it is best to eat corn on the cob without any toppings.

The Nutritional Benefits of Corn On The Cob

Nutritional Benefits Of Corn On The Cob

While corn on the cob may be relatively high in calories, it is also packed with essential nutrients that are beneficial for your health. For example, corn contains fiber, which helps to promote healthy digestion and prevents constipation. It also contains vitamins A and C, which are important for maintaining healthy skin, immune function, and vision.

Moreover, corn is a good source of folate, a B vitamin that is essential for fetal development during pregnancy. It also contains antioxidants, such as lutein and zeaxanthin, which can help to prevent age-related vision loss and macular degeneration.

Ways to Reduce the Calorie Content of Corn On The Cob

Low Calorie Corn On The Cob

If you want to enjoy corn on the cob without worrying about the calorie count, there are several ways to reduce its calorie content. For example:

  • Grill or roast the corn instead of boiling or steaming it, as this will help to bring out its natural sweetness and flavor without the need for added toppings.
  • Use a low-calorie butter substitute or spray to add flavor, instead of regular butter.
  • Season the corn with herbs, spices, or citrus juice, instead of salt.


Corn on the cob is a delicious and nutritious side dish that is perfect for summer gatherings. While it may be relatively high in calories, it is also packed with essential nutrients that are beneficial for your health. To keep the calorie count low, it is best to eat corn on the cob without any toppings, or use healthy alternatives such as low-calorie butter substitutes and seasonings. By doing so, you can enjoy this tasty treat guilt-free!

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