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Difference Between Wart And Corn On Foot

Walking around barefoot, wearing tight shoes or shoes that don't fit well, and standing for long periods of time can all lead to foot problems. Warts and corns are two of the most common foot problems. Although they may look similar, there are some key differences between warts and corns on the foot.

Wart On Foot

What is a Wart?

A wart is a skin growth caused by a virus called the human papillomavirus (HPV). The virus enters the skin through small cuts or abrasions and causes cells to grow rapidly, resulting in a wart. Warts can appear anywhere on the body, including the foot. They are typically round or oval, with a rough or bumpy surface and are often gray or brown with tiny black dots in the center. Warts on the foot are called plantar warts and are usually found on the bottom of the foot.

Plantar Wart

What is a Corn?

A corn is a thickened area of skin that forms on the feet due to constant friction or pressure. Corns typically develop on the toes or on the sole of the foot and are usually round and yellowish in color. There are two types of corns: hard corns and soft corns. Hard corns are the most common and are caused by pressure on a small area of the foot, while soft corns are caused by pressure between the toes.

Corn On Foot

Differences between Warts and Corns on Foot

Even though warts and corns on the foot may appear similar, there are some differences that can help distinguish between the two. Here are some of the main differences:

1. Cause

As mentioned earlier, warts on the foot are caused by a virus, while corns are caused by pressure and friction on the skin. Warts are contagious and can be spread from person to person, while corns are not contagious.


2. Appearance

Warts usually have a rough or bumpy surface with tiny black dots in the center, while corns are typically round and yellowish in color. Warts are often found on the bottom of the foot, while corns are usually found on the toes or on the sole of the foot.

3. Pain

Corns can be painful, especially when pressure is applied to them, while warts are usually painless. However, warts can become painful if they are located in an area where pressure is applied or if they become infected.


4. Treatment

Treatment options for warts and corns on the foot vary. Warts can be treated with over-the-counter medications, prescription medications, or removal by a medical professional. Corns can be treated with over-the-counter pads or moleskin, toe sleeves or toe separators or they can be shaved off by a podiatrist.


Preventing Warts and Corns on Foot

Prevention is always better than cure, so it is important to take steps to prevent warts and corns on the foot. Here are some tips to prevent foot problems:

  • Wear shoes that fit well and provide adequate support
  • Avoid walking barefoot in public places
  • Wear socks that absorb moisture
  • Keep your feet clean and dry
  • Use foot powder to reduce moisture in your shoes
  • Avoid standing or walking for long periods of time
  • Take breaks and stretch your feet if you have to stand or walk for long periods of time


While warts and corns on the foot may look similar, they are caused by different things and have different treatment options. If you think you have a foot problem, it is important to see a medical professional to get a proper diagnosis and treatment plan. Remember to take steps to prevent foot problems by wearing well-fitting shoes and keeping your feet clean and dry.

Related video of Difference Between Wart and Corn on Foot