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Best Time To Apply Fungicide On Corn

Corn farming is one of the most lucrative agricultural practices in the USA, with over 80 million acres of corn grown annually. However, just like any other crop, corn is vulnerable to various diseases such as rusts, blights, and molds. These diseases can negatively impact the corn's yield and quality, making it essential for farmers to apply fungicides.

Fungicides are chemicals used to control or prevent the spread of fungal diseases in plants. They work by killing or inhibiting the growth of fungi that cause diseases in crops. When it comes to corn farming, applying fungicides at the right time is crucial for effective control of diseases. In this article, we'll explore the best time to apply fungicide on corn.

Understanding Corn Diseases

Corn Diseases

Before we delve into the best time to apply fungicide on corn, it's crucial to understand some of the common diseases that affect this crop. Here are some of the most prevalent corn diseases:

Gray Leaf Spot

Gray Leaf Spot On Corn

Gray leaf spot is a fungal disease that affects the leaves of corn. It's caused by the fungus Cercospora zeae-maydis, and its symptoms include small, rectangular-shaped lesions with gray centers and brown borders on the lower leaves of the corn plant. As the disease progresses, the lesions become larger and coalesce.

Common Rust

Common Rust On Corn

Common rust is another fungal disease that affects corn. It's caused by the fungus Puccinia sorghi, and its symptoms include small, circular or elongated, reddish-brown pustules on both sides of the leaves of the corn plant. As the disease progresses, the pustules become larger and turn black.

Northern Corn Leaf Blight

Northern Corn Leaf Blight

Northern corn leaf blight is a fungal disease that affects corn, especially during cool and wet weather conditions. It's caused by the fungus Exserohilum turcicum, and its symptoms include cigar-shaped, gray-green lesions on the leaves of the corn plant. As the disease progresses, the lesions become larger and turn brown.

The Best Time to Apply Fungicide on Corn

Now that we understand some of the common corn diseases, let's explore the best time to apply fungicide on corn. Generally, fungicides should be applied preventively before the diseases become established in the field. This means that the application should be made before the first signs of disease appear.

However, the timing of fungicide application will depend on various factors, including the corn variety planted, planting date, weather conditions, and the disease pressure in the field. The following are some guidelines on the best time to apply fungicide on corn:

Tassel Emergence

Tassel Emergence On Corn

Tassel emergence is one of the critical growth stages in corn, and it's also the best time to apply a fungicide. At this stage, the corn plant is most susceptible to diseases, and it's essential to protect it with a fungicide. Applying fungicide at tassel emergence will help to prevent or control diseases such as gray leaf spot, Northern corn leaf blight, and common rust.

Silk Emergence

Silk Emergence On Corn

Silk emergence is another critical growth stage in corn, and it's also an ideal time to apply a fungicide. At this stage, the corn plant is susceptible to diseases such as fusarium ear rot and gibberella ear rot. Applying fungicide at silk emergence will help to protect the corn ears from these diseases, which can negatively impact the yield and quality of the crop.


In conclusion, fungicides play a crucial role in the control and prevention of corn diseases. However, the timing of fungicide application is critical for effective disease control. As a corn farmer, you should apply fungicides preventively before the diseases become established in the field. The best time to apply fungicide on corn is during tassel and silk emergence stages. By applying fungicide at these stages, you can protect your crop from diseases, improve yield and quality, and ultimately boost your profits.

Related video of Best Time To Apply Fungicide On Corn