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Planting Sweet Corn Next To Field Corn

Planting sweet corn next to field corn is a popular practice among farmers in the United States. It's a method that ensures both crops grow well and produce high yields. Though there are pros and cons to this practice, planting sweet corn next to field corn can be a beneficial strategy for many farmers. In this article, we'll cover everything you need to know about planting sweet corn next to field corn.

What is Field Corn?

Field Corn

Field corn, also known as maize, is a variety of corn primarily used for animal feed and ethanol production. It's different from sweet corn, which is grown for human consumption due to its higher sugar content. Field corn is usually planted in rows that are closer together and allowed to mature longer than sweet corn. The ears of field corn are typically larger, but the kernels are harder and less sweet than sweet corn.

What is Sweet Corn?

Sweet Corn

Sweet corn is a type of corn that's grown for human consumption. It's sweeter and more tender than field corn due to its higher sugar content. Sweet corn is usually planted in wider rows and harvested earlier than field corn. It's mostly consumed fresh, canned, or frozen. Sweet corn comes in various colors such as yellow, white, and bi-colored.

Benefits of Planting Sweet Corn Next to Field Corn

Benefits Of Planting Sweet Corn Next To Field Corn

Planting sweet corn next to field corn has several benefits, including:

  • Maximizing land use: Planting two crops in the same field maximizes land use and reduces waste.
  • Reducing pest damage: Growing sweet corn next to field corn can help deter pests that may be attracted to sweet corn.
  • Increasing pollination: Field corn is wind-pollinated, which can help pollinate sweet corn plants.
  • Improving soil quality: Field corn and sweet corn have different nutrient needs, so planting them together can help improve soil quality.
  • Harvesting two crops: Planting sweet corn next to field corn allows farmers to harvest two crops from the same field, which can increase profits.

Things to Consider When Planting Sweet Corn Next to Field Corn

Things To Consider When Planting Sweet Corn Next To Field Corn

While planting sweet corn next to field corn can be beneficial, there are some things to consider before planting:

  • Timing: Sweet corn is usually planted earlier and harvested earlier than field corn, so proper timing is key.
  • Cultivar selection: Choosing the right cultivars of sweet corn and field corn is important to ensure they grow well together.
  • Fertilizer needs: Sweet corn and field corn have different fertilizer needs, so it's important to provide the right nutrients for each crop.
  • Pest management: Pests that are attracted to sweet corn may also attack field corn, so it's important to have a pest management plan in place.

How to Plant Sweet Corn Next to Field Corn

How To Plant Sweet Corn Next To Field Corn

To successfully plant sweet corn next to field corn, follow these steps:

  1. Choose the right location: Choose a field with well-drained soil and ample sunlight.
  2. Prepare the soil: Test the soil to determine its nutrient needs and amend it as necessary. Till the soil to a depth of at least six inches.
  3. Plant field corn: Plant the field corn in rows that are closer together than sweet corn rows. Follow the recommended spacing for the specific cultivar being used.
  4. Plant sweet corn: Plant the sweet corn in wider rows, leaving enough space between the rows to allow for proper growth. Follow the recommended spacing for the specific cultivar being used.
  5. Maintain the crops: Water and fertilize the crops as needed. Monitor for pests and disease and address any issues promptly.
  6. Harvest the crops: Harvest the field corn when the ears are mature, and the kernels are hard. Harvest the sweet corn when the ears are fully developed, and the kernels are tender and sweet.


Planting sweet corn next to field corn is a beneficial practice that can maximize land use, reduce pest damage, increase pollination, improve soil quality, and allow farmers to harvest two crops from the same field. However, proper timing, cultivar selection, fertilizer needs, and pest management are important factors to consider when planting. With the right planning and maintenance, planting sweet corn next to field corn can be a successful strategy for farmers.

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