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Calories In Sweet Corn On The Cob

When it comes to summer barbecues and backyard gatherings, few foods are as quintessential as sweet corn on the cob. This versatile vegetable can be boiled, grilled, or roasted to perfection, and it pairs well with a variety of seasonings and sauces. But for those who are watching their waistlines, the question remains: how many calories are in a serving of sweet corn on the cob?

The Basics of Sweet Corn on the Cob

Sweet Corn On The Cob

Sweet corn on the cob is a type of corn that is harvested when its kernels are still in their milky stage. Unlike field corn, which is used primarily for animal feed and industrial products, sweet corn is a popular food crop that is enjoyed by humans around the world.

One serving of sweet corn on the cob typically consists of one ear of corn, which is approximately 101 grams in weight. A single ear of corn can range in size from small to large, and the number of kernels per ear can also vary depending on the variety of corn.

Calorie Content of Sweet Corn on the Cob

Calories In Sweet Corn On The Cob

So, how many calories are in a serving of sweet corn on the cob? According to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), one ear of sweet corn on the cob contains approximately 77 calories. This calorie count includes both the kernels and the cob itself.

It's worth noting that the calorie count can vary slightly depending on how the corn is prepared. For example, if the corn is boiled or steamed, it will retain more of its moisture and therefore have a lower calorie count than corn that is roasted or grilled.

Nutritional Benefits of Sweet Corn on the Cob

Nutritional Benefits Of Sweet Corn On The Cob

Despite its relatively low calorie count, sweet corn on the cob is packed with a variety of nutrients that can benefit your health in numerous ways. Here are just a few of the nutritional benefits of sweet corn:

  • Fiber: Sweet corn is a good source of dietary fiber, which can help promote healthy digestion and regulate blood sugar levels.
  • Vitamins: Sweet corn is rich in a variety of vitamins, including vitamin C, thiamine, and folate.
  • Minerals: Sweet corn is a good source of several important minerals, such as potassium, magnesium, and phosphorus.
  • Antioxidants: Sweet corn contains antioxidants like lutein and zeaxanthin, which can help protect your eyes from damage caused by UV light and other environmental toxins.

Incorporating Sweet Corn on the Cob into Your Diet

Incorporating Sweet Corn On The Cob Into Your Diet

Now that you know the calorie count and nutritional benefits of sweet corn on the cob, you may be wondering how to incorporate this delicious vegetable into your diet. Here are a few ideas:

  • As a side dish: Sweet corn on the cob pairs well with a variety of main dishes, such as grilled chicken or steak. Simply boil or grill the corn and serve it alongside your favorite protein.
  • In a salad: Cut the kernels off the cob and toss them with other vegetables, such as tomatoes and cucumbers, to make a refreshing summer salad.
  • In a soup: Use sweet corn on the cob to make a hearty and flavorful corn chowder or other type of soup.
  • As a snack: Enjoy sweet corn on the cob as a healthy and low-calorie snack by grilling or boiling it and then seasoning it with herbs and spices.


Sweet corn on the cob is a delicious and nutritious vegetable that can be enjoyed in a variety of ways. With only 77 calories per serving, it's a great choice for those who are watching their waistlines, and its abundance of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants make it a healthy choice for anyone. So next time you're planning a summer barbecue or looking for a tasty and easy side dish, consider adding sweet corn on the cob to your menu.

Related video of Calories in Sweet Corn on the Cob: A Nutritional Analysis