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Corn Flour The Same As Corn Meal

Corn Flour And Corn Meal

While corn flour and cornmeal are both made from corn, they are not the same thing. They have different textures, colors, and purposes in cooking. In this article, we will explore the differences between corn flour and cornmeal and how to use them in various recipes.

What Is Corn Flour?

Corn Flour

Corn flour is a fine powder made from corn kernels that have been dried and ground. It is typically made from white or yellow corn and is very finely ground. Corn flour is used in many types of cooking, including baking, frying, and thickening sauces and soups. Corn flour can be used as a substitute for wheat flour in gluten-free baking. It is often used in tortillas, tamales, and other traditional Latin American dishes.

What Is Cornmeal?


Cornmeal is a coarse flour made by grinding dried corn kernels. It is usually yellow, but can also be white or blue, depending on the type of corn used. Cornmeal is often used to make cornbread, muffins, and other baked goods. It is also used as a coating for fried foods, such as fish, chicken, and vegetables. Cornmeal can be used in place of breadcrumbs in recipes and is a common ingredient in Southern cooking.

The Differences Between Corn Flour And Cornmeal

Corn Flour Vs Cornmeal

One of the main differences between corn flour and cornmeal is their texture. Corn flour is finely ground and has a smooth, silky texture. Cornmeal, on the other hand, is coarser and has a gritty texture. Corn flour is often used as a thickener, while cornmeal is used as a coating or for baking.

Corn flour and cornmeal also have different colors. Cornmeal is typically yellow or white, while corn flour can be white or yellow depending on the type of corn used. Additionally, cornmeal is often made from a different type of corn than corn flour.

Cornmeal is also more absorbent than corn flour, which means that it absorbs liquids more easily. This makes it ideal for use in recipes like cornbread where a drier texture is desired. Corn flour is more delicate and can be used to give dishes a smoother texture.

How To Use Corn Flour And Cornmeal In Cooking

Using Corn Flour And Cornmeal

Corn flour and cornmeal can be used in a variety of recipes, from savory to sweet. Here are some ways to use them:

  • Use corn flour to thicken sauces and soups
  • Use cornmeal as a coating for fried foods
  • Use cornmeal to make cornbread, muffins, and other baked goods
  • Use corn flour in gluten-free baking recipes
  • Use cornmeal instead of breadcrumbs in recipes
  • Use cornmeal to make polenta or grits


In conclusion, corn flour and cornmeal are not the same thing. While they are both made from corn, they have different textures, colors, and purposes in cooking. Corn flour is finely ground and used as a thickener or in gluten-free baking. Cornmeal is coarser and used as a coating or for baking. Both can be used in a variety of recipes and are staples in many types of cuisine.

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