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Difference Between White And Yellow Popping Corn

If you love snacking on popcorn, then you know that there are different types of popping corn available, including white and yellow popping corn. But do you know the difference between these two types of popcorn? In this article, we'll explore the differences between white and yellow popping corn, and the benefits of consuming each.

What is popping corn?

Popping corn, also known as popcorn, is a type of corn that has a hard outer shell and a starchy interior. When heated, the moisture inside the kernel turns into steam, causing the kernel to explode and turn into a fluffy, edible snack.

Popping Corn Image

White popping corn

White popping corn has a smaller kernel size than yellow popping corn. It also has a more delicate flavor, with a slightly nutty taste that works well with butter and salt. White popping corn is also known for its tenderness, which means that it pops into a more delicate and tender snack than yellow popping corn.

White Popping Corn Image

Yellow popping corn

Yellow popping corn, on the other hand, has a larger kernel size than white popping corn. It has a stronger flavor than white popping corn, with a more distinct corn taste that works well with sweet or savory toppings. Yellow popping corn also has a more robust texture, which means that it pops into a bigger and chewier snack than white popping corn.

Yellow Popping Corn Image

Nutrition comparison

Both white and yellow popping corn are wholegrain snacks, meaning that they contain all parts of the kernel, including the bran, germ, and endosperm. However, there are some nutritional differences between the two.

White popping corn contains slightly fewer calories and slightly less fiber than yellow popping corn. It also has a slightly lower glycemic index, which means that it causes less of a spike in blood sugar levels. On the other hand, yellow popping corn contains slightly more protein and slightly more minerals, such as iron and zinc, than white popping corn.


Whether you prefer white or yellow popping corn, both types make for a tasty and nutritious snack. White popping corn is a more delicate and tender option, with a subtle nutty flavor. Yellow popping corn is a more robust and chewy option, with a stronger corn taste. Both types of popping corn are wholegrain snacks that contain important nutrients, making them a healthier snacking choice than many other options.

Related video of Difference Between White And Yellow Popping Corn