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Difference Between Sweet Corn And Normal Corn

Corn is among the most widely grown crops worldwide. It's a staple food that is widely used in many different cuisines globally. Corn is highly versatile and can be prepared in many different ways, making it a favorite among many people. When it comes to corn, there are two main types: sweet corn and normal corn. While they might look very similar, there are some significant differences that you need to know about before you decide to use them in your cooking.

What is Sweet Corn?

Sweet Corn

Sweet corn is a type of corn that is harvested and consumed while still immature. It's the most popular type of corn and is commonly used in many different dishes, including salads, soups, and stews. Sweet corn is harvested when its kernels are still in the milk stage. This is when the kernels are still tender and juicy, and the cob is still green.

One main difference between sweet corn and normal corn is that sweet corn has a higher sugar content. Therefore, it has a sweeter taste compared to normal corn. The high sugar content also means that its kernels are more delicate and tender, making it easier to chew and digest.

What is Normal Corn?

Normal Corn

Normal corn, also known as field corn, is a variety of corn that is harvested and consumed when it's fully mature. It's the type of corn that is primarily grown for animal feed and to produce cornmeal, corn syrup, and other food products. Normal corn has a lower sugar content compared to sweet corn, which makes it less sweet in taste.

The kernels of normal corn are tougher and harder, which makes them more difficult to chew and digest. However, normal corn is more nutritious than sweet corn, as it contains more fiber and protein.

How to Use Sweet Corn and Normal Corn

Sweet corn and normal corn are used differently in cooking. Sweet corn is mainly used in dishes that require a sweeter taste, such as salads or corn chowder. It can also be grilled or boiled and served as a side dish. Because of its tender texture, sweet corn is best cooked quickly to avoid overcooking and mushiness.

Normal corn, on the other hand, is primarily used to make cornmeal, corn syrup, and other food products. It's less commonly used in cooking, as its tougher texture makes it less desirable. However, it can be used in soups, stews, and casseroles as a substitute for sweet corn.


Sweet corn and normal corn might look similar, but they have some significant differences in terms of taste, texture, and usage. Sweet corn is sweeter, tender, and best cooked quickly, while normal corn is less sweet, tougher, and more commonly used to produce food products. When choosing between sweet corn and normal corn, consider the dish you're preparing, and the taste and texture you want to achieve.

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