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Best Way To Prepare Corn Tortillas For Enchiladas

Corn Tortillas For Enchiladas

Enchiladas are a popular Mexican dish that is enjoyed by people all over the world. These delicious treats are essentially made up of tortillas that are filled with various ingredients such as meat, cheese or beans, and then smothered with a rich tomato sauce. The popularity of these delights has led many people to wonder what the best way to prepare corn tortillas for enchiladas is. In this article, we will explore some of the best tips and tricks to help you get the perfect corn tortillas for your enchiladas.

Choosing The Right Corn Tortillas

Corn Tortillas

Choosing the right type of corn tortilla is very important when it comes to making enchiladas. While there are many different brands and types of tortillas available in the market, it is vital to choose ones that are thick and pliable. Thin tortillas tend to break apart when filled, which can be frustrating and lead to unsightly enchiladas that fall apart. Additionally, it is important to choose fresh tortillas as stale ones will be difficult to work with and may result in a tough and chewy end product.

Prepping The Tortillas

Prepping Corn Tortillas For Enchiladas

Before filling and rolling, it is vital to warm up the tortillas so that they become more pliable. The easiest way to warm up the tortillas is to place them in a microwave for around 15 seconds. This process will make them more flexible and less likely to break. Another method is to wrap the tortillas in a damp towel and heat them up in the oven for approximately five minutes. This way, the tortillas will be warm and easy to work with.

Ready to Roll

Rolling Corn Tortillas For Enchiladas

Once the tortillas have been warmed up, it's time to fill and roll them. The key here is to not overfill the tortillas. If they are overfilled, they will be difficult to roll and may break or tear. A good rule of thumb is to fill them about a third of the way, then fold the tortilla over and continue rolling until the filling is completely enclosed. Place the tortillas seam side down in a baking dish, and pack them tightly to prevent them from falling apart during baking.

Baking The Tortillas

Baking Corn Tortillas For Enchiladas

Once the tortillas are filled and rolled, it's time to bake them. Preheat the oven to 350°F and bake the enchiladas for about 20-25 minutes. It is important to note that some recipes may require the tortillas to be fried in oil before they are baked, so it's important to follow the recipe carefully. If frying is not required, then simply baking the enchiladas will be enough to cook the filling and melt the cheese while providing a slightly crispy finish to the tortilla.

In Conclusion

Preparing corn tortillas for enchiladas may seem like a daunting task, but by following the tips and tricks outlined in this article, you'll be able to create delicious enchiladas every time. Remember to choose the right type of tortilla, warm them up before filling and rolling, and bake them for the perfect finish. With these simple steps, you'll be able to make beautiful and mouth-watering enchiladas that are sure to become a family favorite!

Related video of Best Way To Prepare Corn Tortillas For Enchiladas