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Difference Between Feed Corn And Sweet Corn

When you hear the word "corn", you might automatically think of sweet corn on the cob with butter and salt. However, there are many different types of corn. In this article, we'll discuss the difference between feed corn and sweet corn.

What is Feed Corn?

Feed Corn

Feed corn, also known as field corn, is primarily grown to feed livestock. It has a much harder outer shell than sweet corn, making it more durable for transportation and storage. Feed corn is also higher in starch and lower in sugar than sweet corn.

Feed corn is typically harvested once the kernels have fully matured and the outer husks have begun to dry out. Once harvested, the corn is dried further and stored until it can be ground into feed for livestock. It's often used in feed for cows, pigs, chickens and other animals.

What is Sweet Corn?

Sweet Corn

Sweet corn is the type of corn that is most commonly eaten by humans. Unlike feed corn, sweet corn has a soft outer shell and is higher in sugar and lower in starch. This gives it a sweeter taste and a softer texture.

Sweet corn is typically harvested when the kernels are immature, at the "milk stage". This is when the kernels are still soft and the sugars are at their peak level. Sweet corn is typically eaten on the cob, boiled or grilled, and is also used in salads, soups, and other dishes.

Other Differences Between Feed Corn and Sweet Corn

Different Corn

Aside from their primary uses and taste differences, there are other notable differences between feed corn and sweet corn. For example:

  • Feed corn is typically grown in larger fields and is often harvested with combine harvesters, while sweet corn is often grown in smaller plots and may be hand-picked.
  • Feed corn is usually yellow or white, while sweet corn can come in many different colors, including yellow, white, and even purple.
  • Due to its high starch content, feed corn is often used in the production of ethanol and other industrial products, while sweet corn is primarily consumed by humans and animals.


In conclusion, the primary difference between feed corn and sweet corn is their intended use. Feed corn is primarily grown to feed livestock, while sweet corn is intended for human consumption. Additionally, sweet corn has a sweeter taste and softer texture due to its higher sugar content, while feed corn is harder and higher in starch. Both types of corn have their unique uses and benefits.

Related video of Difference Between Feed Corn And Sweet Corn