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Are Female Corn Snakes Bigger Than Males

Female Corn Snake

As one of the most popular pet snakes in the United States, corn snakes are loved by many for their friendly temperament, impressive coloration, and relatively easy care. One question that many people ask when deciding which corn snake to choose is whether females are bigger than males. In this article, we'll explore the answer to this question and explain why there may be some variation in size between male and female corn snakes.

The Size of Female Corn Snakes

Large Female Corn Snake

In general, female corn snakes tend to be larger and more robust than males. This is because, in addition to growing to a size that is capable of housing and laying eggs, females also require more body mass to support the energy-intensive process of producing eggs. Female corn snakes typically reach lengths of around 4-5 feet, although some individuals may grow even larger. It's important to note, however, that not all female corn snakes will be larger than males, and there can be considerable overlap in size between the sexes.

The Size of Male Corn Snakes

Small Male Corn Snake

Male corn snakes, on the other hand, tend to be smaller and more slender than females. This is because they do not need to produce eggs and therefore do not require as much body mass. Male corn snakes typically reach lengths of around 3-4 feet, although again, there can be considerable variation in size between individuals.

Factors That Affect Size

Corn Snake Habitat

While it is generally true that female corn snakes are larger than males, there are several factors that can influence the size of an individual snake. One of the most important factors is habitat. Corn snakes that are kept in small enclosures or that do not have access to a varied diet may not reach their full potential size. Conversely, corn snakes that are kept in large, enriched enclosures and fed a varied diet of appropriately sized prey items may grow larger than average.

Another factor that can affect the size of a corn snake is genetics. Some corn snake morphs, such as the hypo or the amelanistic, are known to grow larger than other morphs. Additionally, some individual snakes may simply have a genetic predisposition to grow larger or smaller than average.

Determining the Sex of a Corn Snake

Corn Snake Sexing

If you're trying to determine whether a particular corn snake is male or female, there are several physical characteristics you can look for. Male corn snakes often have longer, slimmer bodies than females, and their tails are generally longer and more tapered. Females, on the other hand, tend to have shorter, thicker bodies and tails that are relatively short and blunt. Additionally, you may be able to see the hemipenes, or male reproductive organs, on either side of the base of the tail on a male corn snake.


In general, female corn snakes are larger and more robust than males, although there is considerable individual variation within each sex. Factors such as habitat and genetics can influence the size of an individual corn snake, and determining the sex of a snake can be done by examining physical characteristics such as body shape and tail length. If you're considering getting a corn snake as a pet, it's important to choose an individual that is healthy and well-cared for, regardless of its size or sex.

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