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Roasting Corn On The Cob In Oven

Corn On The Cob Oven

Corn on the cob is a staple of summer cuisine. Grilled corn is a classic summertime dish, but not everyone has access to a grill or the time to grill corn. Fortunately, there's an easy and delicious alternative: roasting corn on the cob in the oven. This method is quick and simple, and can be used to make delicious corn on the cob all year round. Here's how to do it:


Corn On The Cob Ingredients

To roast corn on the cob in the oven, you'll need:

  • 4 ears of corn
  • 2 tablespoons of butter, melted
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Tinfoil


Corn On The Cob Directions

1. Preheat the oven to 375°F.

2. Remove the husks and silk from the corn.

3. Place each ear of corn on a piece of tinfoil, large enough to wrap the corn completely.

4. Brush each ear of corn with the melted butter.

5. Sprinkle salt and pepper to taste on each ear of corn.

6. Wrap the ears of corn tightly in the tinfoil, making sure they are completely wrapped.

7. Place the wrapped ears of corn on a baking sheet and bake in the oven for 30 to 35 minutes.

8. Remove the corn from the oven and carefully unwrap the tinfoil.

9. Allow the corn to cool for a few minutes before serving.

Tips for Perfect Roasted Corn on the Cob

Roast Corn On The Cob Tips

If you want to make sure your roasted corn on the cob turns out perfectly every time, follow these tips:

  • Choose fresh ears of corn.
  • Make sure the ears of corn are fully wrapped in the tinfoil.
  • Adjust the baking time as needed, depending on the size of the ears of corn and your oven.
  • For extra flavor, try adding other seasonings, such as garlic or paprika, to the melted butter before brushing it onto the ears of corn.


Roasting corn on the cob in the oven is a quick and easy way to enjoy delicious corn all year round. With this simple method, you can have perfectly cooked corn on the cob that's just as flavorful as grilled corn. Give it a try and see how easy and delicious it can be!

Related video of Roasting Corn on the Cob in Oven: A Simple and Delicious Method