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Difference Between Light Corn Syrup And Corn Syrup

Corn syrup is a popular ingredient used in various recipes such as candy, frosting, and pie. It’s a sweet and thick liquid that is made from cornstarch. However, not all corn syrups are the same. There are two types of corn syrup available in the market, light corn syrup, and corn syrup. In this article, we will discuss the difference between light corn syrup and corn syrup.

What is Corn Syrup?

Corn syrup is a sweetener that is made by breaking down cornstarch into glucose. Cornstarch is typically made from corn kernels, and it comprises long chains of glucose molecules. When cornstarch is heated with an enzyme called alpha-amylase, it breaks down the long chains of glucose molecules into shorter chains of glucose molecules, which is called corn syrup. Corn syrup is a viscous and sweet liquid that has a mild flavor.

Corn Syrup

What is Light Corn Syrup?

Light corn syrup is another type of corn syrup that is primarily used for its sweetness and texture. It is made by adding an enzyme called glucose isomerase to corn syrup. This enzyme converts some of the glucose molecules into fructose, which makes the syrup sweeter than regular corn syrup. Light corn syrup is also clear and colorless, which makes it ideal for recipes where the color of the syrup needs to be transparent.

Light Corn Syrup

Difference Between Light Corn Syrup and Corn Syrup

While both light corn syrup and corn syrup are made from cornstarch, they have some key differences that make them unique.

1. Sweetness Level: Light corn syrup is sweeter than regular corn syrup due to the presence of fructose. Fructose is a type of sugar that is sweeter than glucose. It makes light corn syrup ideal for recipes that require a higher level of sweetness.

2. Color: Corn syrup is darker in color than light corn syrup because it contains a small amount of molasses. Molasses gives the syrup a pale yellow-brown color. Light corn syrup, on the other hand, is clear and colorless, making it ideal for recipes where the color of the syrup needs to be transparent.

3. Flavor: Corn syrup has a mild taste, while light corn syrup has a slightly sweeter taste due to the presence of fructose. The difference in the taste of both syrups is not significant enough to affect the flavor of the recipe, but it may affect the sweetness level.

4. Usage: Corn syrup is commonly used in recipes such as candy, frosting, and pie. Light corn syrup is also used in these recipes, but it is primarily used in recipes that require a higher level of sweetness, such as pecan pie and caramel sauce.


Both light corn syrup and corn syrup are essential ingredients in many recipes. While they share some similarities, they have distinct differences that make them unique. Light corn syrup is sweeter and clearer than regular corn syrup, making it ideal for certain recipes. Corn syrup, on the other hand, is darker and less sweet, making it an excellent all-purpose sweetener.

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