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Best Way To Put Out Deer Corn

Deer Corn
Deer corn is an excellent attractant for hunters looking to lure deer into a specific area, especially during hunting season. However, putting out deer corn can be a little tricky. There are certain things you need to know to ensure that it is done right. In this article, we will discuss the best way to put out deer corn.

Choose A Good Spot

Deer Corn Spot
The first thing you need to consider when putting out deer corn is the spot where you will put it. This is crucial because the location of the corn can determine how successful you are in attracting deer. You want to choose a spot that is not too far from where you will be hunting, but also not too close. The spot should also be in an area that is not visible to other hunters, especially if you plan to leave the corn out for several days.

Use A Feeder

Deer Corn Feeder
Using a feeder is one of the best ways to put out deer corn. Not only does it prevent the corn from being scattered all over the ground, but it also helps to regulate how much corn is put out at any given time. This is important because if you put out too much corn at once, it can attract other animals such as raccoons and squirrels, which can eat up all the corn before the deer have a chance to get there.

Spread Out The Corn

Deer Corn Spread
If you don't have a feeder, you can still put out deer corn by spreading it out on the ground. However, you want to make sure that you don't put it all in one spot. Ideally, you want to spread the corn out over a large area. This makes it easier for the deer to find the corn and also prevents too many deer from gathering in one spot.

Timing Is Everything

Deer Corn Timing
The timing of when you put out your deer corn can also play a role in how successful you are in attracting deer. It is best to put out the corn a few days before you plan to hunt in that area. This gives the deer enough time to find the corn and start visiting the area regularly. You also want to make sure that you put out the corn early in the morning or late in the evening when the deer are most active.

Be Consistent

Deer Corn Consistent
Consistency is key when it comes to putting out deer corn. You don't want to put out corn one week and then skip the next. If you want to attract deer to your hunting area, you need to be consistent in putting out the corn. This means putting out corn on a regular basis, preferably at the same time every day. Deer will learn to expect the corn and will start visiting the area regularly.


In conclusion, putting out deer corn can be an effective way to attract deer to your hunting area. However, it is important to choose a good spot, use a feeder if possible, spread out the corn, time it right, and be consistent. By following these tips, you can increase your chances of having a successful hunt. Good luck!

Related video of Best Way To Put Out Deer Corn